Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Been on cdh for few weeks and chatting to some lovely girls. Much as very close on cdh most are many miles away. Would love to meet like minded girls. I have been crossdressing since my late teens. Through my marriage when i got the chance. Now on my own i can become my other side and enjoy my femine side as much and as often. It is so uplifting. Love to chat to any girls and b part of this wonderful forum. Love Sam x
Welcome Paul. As you already know CDH is a great place to meet like minded girls.
Hi Sam,
Welcome, I am from the UK and happy to chat anytime.
Jessica x.
Sam , welcome from Canada. Girls here love to chat and will be looking forward to hearing from you. Enjoy being part of this wonderful place of same mined souls all expressing their own unique opportunities in this exciting new world . Very nice meeting you.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Sam!
Welcome Sammatha !