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Hi from Candy

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G'Day. New member from Oz.
I've only in the past few years become comfortable with the idea that I have a feminine side, and that that is OK. I am ex service, back in the '70s and '80s my urges would have been enough to have me discharged. Society has become more accepting of differences since.
How it started for me was about age 8 to 10 discovering how nice slips and soft materials felt compared to male garb. Also my mum was a seamstress of sorts, and I ended up being a manequin for the then new miniskirts and dresses she made for neighbour girls. I also played a female figure in a 5th grade play.
I think these things awoke the urge rather than created them.
Married 30 years now. My wife tolerates rather than accepts my underdressing and wearing nightdresses to bed.
I like to underdress, and if I don't at least wear some soft panties, I feel 'wrong' and uncomfortable with myself.

I have been exploring the forum, the stories are a help and you have  introduced the idea of small steps rather than an all in approach - which I plan to explore - jeggings and androgynous tops for example.

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Hello Candy. Welcome! I hope you will enjoy the site. Lots of great girls in here.


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Illustrious Member     Kent, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

hi hun and welcome. The girls will help you out as much as they can. Im not a cd i'm a SO .But if you have any questions just ask me .   


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