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I'm Mary Amanda from rural Ireland. (I can't decide which osf those names I prefer to be called dby - my partner knows now (though with lots of reservations) that I crossdress and calls my feminine half Mary from tim e to time). I first crossdressed at the age of six in my sisters clothesand have done so from time to time since then (not always possible for years) with varying degrees of confusion and shame, hidden from all. I'm afraid a CD wouldn't be too accepted where I live right now, but even if I lived in the "big smoke" of Dublin (where I did live for most of my adult life - though originally from London) I am sooooo self-conscios anyway (not just in relation to crossdressing) that I would find it exttremely hard to appear as a woman in public. I suspect that there are many like me. Oh life and people are so strange and varied, no matter what any of the "normals" say or think. Enough of my boring spiel for now. If anyone reads this I'd love to hear from you.
Love and Best wishes
Mary Amanda (You can call me either or both!)
Mary Amanda welcome, confusion and shame many of us feel through our years and always in search for that guiding light to help us out with finding a place to express our passion in total acceptance and understanding in our lives. Here you have found it, a wonderful place with many like yourself learning and sharing their experiences for our love for dressing. Looking to meet and always there to help, comfort and support you for who you are. I love meeting girls like myself as it gives one a personal touch and especially when we meet someone close to where you live and develop a more formal connection. One of meeting up with, going out and developing a friendship as well. Start enjoying being part of a community of same mined gals in a place that cares. Stephanie 🌹
Hi Mary.
Welcome to CDH. I believe you will find some of your answers' here, from many of us that travel the same path. I started when I was very young, like about 5 or 6 and I was trying on my mom's underwear. I have met some wonderful people here at CDH and if you stay you will also meet wonderful people
My name is Vicke and I live in California
Hi Mary Amanda, and welcome to CDH! I too am pretty self conscious (also not just in dressing, though feel more comfortable) and working hard to overcome it, even at the age of 48. It would be wonderful if places became kinder and gentler and accepting. We can hope and as more people with diverse backgrounds take a leading role maybe it will happen. Sorry a girl can dream 🙂 Wonderful to meet you and happy to meet another new member to our amazing community! hugs, Michelle
Welcome, Mary Amanda (why not use both? Pretty, I think 🙂
Welcome Mary Amanda.
I lived in Cork for 2 yrs back in 89-90. Outside of Dublin and perhaps Cork every city in Ireland is a town where everyone knows everyone.
Feel free to connect if you just want someone to talk with about any subject.