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Hi! From Massachusetts

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Hi!  My name is Alexis and I'm 34 from the area just south west of Boston.  I have been and on and off crossdresser for at least the last 20 years and most recently came out to my wife.  She is currently supportive of my crossdressing, as long as I do it in private for now, not sure if that will change in the future.

I'm currently exploring more and more when I have time to dress as Alexis, some of my biggest fears are that I will continue to reach a point where I just end up wanting to be a woman, I'm sure it's possible that it could get to that point.

I'm looking to make some friends in the Boston area, some to hang out with, go out places, etc.  I'm looking into some local or remote conferences/meetups so that I can really let Alexis out.

Happy to be hear, hope to chat soon!


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welcome to cdh glad to have you here.


Tara April

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Alexis   , in our journeys one never knows the paths that are taken. How far one may take and where our final Destiny's may lie .  Here many of the answers can be found from our beautifully written forums of the personal experiences of others to actually meeting ,  making conversations with and share each other our stories . Make lasting friendships from all over and in time right there in your areas. We have many of our members out that way . I know as I've made wonderful friends from those places . So browse and start enjoying being part of a community of wonderful gals truly experiencing a love for dressing.  Welcome 🌹

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
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Alexis.....a great big Howdy and welcome to CDH. There are lots of girls from the Boston area and I am certain you will make good friends quickly. I hail from Northern Ontario Canada at the around a lot. No home, just places I have tarried for a bit. But...I meet new friends everywhere and I guess...if I were to name a would be Cross-Dresser Heaven. Everybody knows your name and a place where you are coin the "Cheers" TV show intro. I look forward to hearing more about door is always open..........

Dame Veronica

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Welcome to the sisterhood of the traveling dress! I enjoy myself here and I'm sure you will too.




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Eminent Member     Lake Ridge, Virginia, United States of America
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Miss Alexis,

Ambassador Stephanie speaks of the road less traveled and many of us have been on that freeway.  I have preferred the backwoods paths, hiding my own interests from most for far too long.  I have been married twice (both deceased) but only the second understood and participated.   So, I have, after being taught by 3 of my 17 aunts, hid it from the first wife and kids, revealing it only to my second who had been in show business, loved costumes and makeup and could relate to my feelings.  I have never been "out" dressed despite having been a member of 3 spearate orgs. who would have tolerated and/or participated.  I'm still in the closet even after my second wife loved me for who I am.

Now that I have found this fascinating site, should I meet and dress with friends here, that might change, though even when I'm dressed up at nite and out on the sidewalk I am terrified and thrilled at the same time.

I do hope you find who and what you need.  Most of us here do understand the feelings and the need to be who and what we are deep inside.

Welcome to this wonderful place.


Posts: 39
Eminent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

I am probably close to you. I have been to the Tiffany Club in Waltham  ( ) 3 times despite being in the closet as well-they have their own building and you can change there. On FB, there is also FISH-N.E.T.S which is a social group of CDers who get together to do things.

Many of dream of being free to dress as we wish, and being labeled a woman makes that easier, or even required. But there are some who just live 24/7 and dress that way with no HRT or surgery. And society is becoming more accepting of TG, so that may help you just dressing as you wish without 'becoming a woman', which your wife probably fears.

It is amazing what a wig and makeup can do ...

Hugs, Ellen

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Hello and welcome Alexis,

I have been a member for about a month now and this place with all of the ladies is awesome. There is a wealth of knowledge to learn and these ladies know their stuff. So many of us have very similar experiences and have lived in fear of being found out but here we can share and grow without judgement. You will find only the happiness and love that others with the same or similar experiences can give. I do hope you enjoy your time here and can make friends in your area to hang with as well as friends not so close in geography. TTFN


Posts: 15
Active Member     Rochester, New Hampshire, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi, I am from Portsmouth area, I have heard of the place in Waltham. I would love to go there. I'm sure there are more places in mass. Not many in n.h, I have been going out doing errands in femme, loving it! Love shopping trying new things in style make up and all! Any leads? HUGGS, Lacey

Posts: 1351
Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Alexis, Welcome to CDH! I am originally from Boston but now live in Western Mass.   I too have a supportive wife and currently figuring out where my path will take me.  Nice to meet you. 🙂



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