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Hi from Sam

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Active Member     Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

Its quite amazing for me to find this site, and i'm excited to see what I can learn from everyone.  Ive only just come to the realisation in the past few weeks that I'm a genuine cross dresser, the years of dabbling with womens clothes... collecting them, wearing them, purging, only to do it all again, harking back to when I was 13, it's all quite refreshing to for it all to start making sense of who I am, and that I'm not alone.

Having only just come to the realisation so recently, I'm building my wardrobe quickly, and online shopping is an exciting, yet addictive vice.  Shopping for mens clothes has always felt like a chore in the past.  Shopping for womens clothes is fun 🙂  and its so great to now be wearing clothes that fit, rather than trying to fit into clothes I managed to collect in all forms of random ways.

I'm about to order my first wig to help feel more like myself, and the next challenge is to learn the art of makeup.  I've watched a few youtube videos for beginners and I'm already overwhelmed.

I'm already dreaming of my first public outing, but I am trying to be patient as i have a wife and two daughters that know nothing of who I really am, and I'm in no hurry to open up to them, as much as I would love to.

I look forward to chatting to you all, learning from your experiences and sharing my own.




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Welcome Sam


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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Welcome Sam! Lots of knowledge girls on here. Any one of us would be able to answer questions I think. We are all at different stages here. Some just finding themselves, some have been dressing for years, and some like myself are planning out transitioning. If you ever have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message!!

Posts: 1781
Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Sam, welcome to our world. We're all travelling a similar journey here but with varying circumstances. It can be very exciting and addictive but take your time and enjoy it within your own limits. Feel free to ask or share in our friendly community.

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

hi Samantha. welcome to the site. you certainly will learn a lot here from other peoples stories to useful posts in the forums. dont forget there is a wealth of experience here from our members too.

shopping can be addictive, as I have found out. but why not? femme clothes are there to be had, how could you refuse such lovely clothes! my femme wardrobe is healthier than my boring male clothes! any questions, just ask! have fun 🙂

fiona xxx

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Hi Sam,

I think you've found the right place to be.  There are plenty of us here with a variety of experiences to help you, guide you or just have a chat about anything!



Posts: 1351
Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Sam and welcome!  As the other ladies mentioned there is a lot of incredible information here to match the amazing members of our community.  So glad to have you here and enjoy reading the advice and heartfelt stories and of course chat!  hugs, Michelle


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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Samantha, happy to welcome you here. Your among a community of accepting and caring girls who are always here to help in everyway . Their advice will certainly  help explore and learn more about where one 's journey may like  to go.  Going out is a dream of many here and with time that could and  may happen. It's amazing with support  from others and a building of confinance how experiences seam to show promise. I too am looking forward to my first outting to which may happen within the next week or so . Very nervous and scared but I do have an angel that will be there to  take my hand and lead me to a new place . Always safe and easier to share this moment with others like yourself. Best to you on your journey and enjoy your time here with us.

Stephanie 🌹


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