Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello, new Asian CD looking for safe places in SF/LA areas to hangout and meet similar ladies! I'm married, over 60 (but supposedly look younger) and currently have a small closet (trashed & refilled numerous times). Appreciate any/all comments/feedback! hugs to all...
Welcome Julie. I am sure that you will find others in your area that will point you to the venues you are looking for. This is such a friendly site and you'll feel at home in no time. Have a look around the site as there are groups that may be of interest.
Enjoy yourself
Hi Julie.
Welcome to CDH. I am sure you will find the ladies and safe places you are looking for.
Hi Julie,
welcome to CDH! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have
Hi Julie, Welcome to CDH, a nice place to be. I am down in SoCal, but lived in the Bay Area for 44 years. Have fun and enjoy crossdressing.... Staci...
Hi Julie and welcome!
Hi Julie,
Welcome to CDH.
Hello Julie, welcome to this wonderful forum ❤️
Hi Julie nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so look around our wonderful site here full of wonderful ladies with a wealth of knowledge and experience here.. You know girl as a new sister and family member here you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. You know we all love to chat so don't be shy really we don't bite girlfriend well a few girls do so be careful (ha ha ) just kidding .. Have fun Julie and again nice to meet you and hope top see you around for a chat sometime soon .. Just please do us a small favor and return to your profile page and fill in more please as this is how we get to know you better thanks..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Julie
Welcome! You will fit right in with these lovely, sweet ladies. There is much fun discussion and loads of information at CDH to make you feel welcome.