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I’m Stacey..... new girl on the block.... just moved in here 🙂
Been trans all my life and hit ‘the scene’ a bit in the UK, but not yet in Canada. Seems a little bit limited in red neck ALBERTA but I a looking forward to being corrected.
Married with brilliant wife who kind of gets me and I think realizes that there are far worse things I could be into than being trans..... I mean I could be a golfer or something horrible like that 🙂
Enjoy creating the feminine illusion but I also like being male as well. Taken me a while to get to be this comfortable and I certainly could have made some horrible mistakes along the way. Very blessed to be who I am today and have the life I have
well that’s a little about me .... let’s get to know one another
stacey x
Hello Stacey
From another Canuck, a little East of you.
Welcome, I know for a fact that there are at least a few friendly Albertans, cause they too are members on CDH. I hope you enjoy sharing and being here with us and get to make some good friends, its certainly better than the election or its coverage.
Hi Olivia
thanks for your reply..... only 2000km east of me 🙂🙂
i get to Ontario a fair bit with work.... much nicer than Alberta.
Share your feelings about the election. No one stands out.... although I have to say I hope the conservatives form a govt from a purely business perspective
Stacey x
Hi Stacy,
While Olivia is just a little east of you, I am just a little west in southern BC in the Fraser Valley. Living where I do I can empathize with what you are seeing in red neck Alberta. I live in what's known as the Bible Belt of BC. Always controversies over rainbow crosswalks and if and when one does go in it is vandalized almost immediately. Wish some people were more accepting. Oh well. Welcome. This is a great site with lots of fine ladies with lots of fine advice. Great place to be!
Hi Rachel
nice to hear from you.... from beautiful BC. It will be so much nicer to once you have an additional pipeline running through it 🙂
looking forward to spending more time on this site and chatting to others here
Stacey x
Hi..Stacey ,
Welcome to CDH.
Thanks Shreya 🙂 x
Stacey, hey!!! Again so nice welcoming you . Another Canadian amongst our clan of wonderful girls and many more around the world. This is certainly a special place to enjoy all of who you are. Learn from, share experiences with and most of all make lasting friendships. Browse our site and ask any questions that you may want to know. Girls here love to chat and make one feel very comfortable in themselves to enjoy moving with a dream looking forward. Happy to have you here and thankyou so much for reaching out and wanting to be friends , I'm honored for you asking. Now enjoy all that we are.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Stacey , I'm way down south ( Australia ) , welcome & thanks so much for the laugh..... Golfer ....I worked on golf courses for 10 yrs , so I've seen what they're like close hand ....much worse than a crossdresser 😄😄😄😄 Tiff
Stacey. communism grows exponentially as you cross the MB/ON border. We may be a bit redneck in Alberta, but here you are in God's country/
Hi Tiff
thanks for reaching out..... even if you are one of those desperate golfer types 😊😊
i get down your way, well NZ any way, fairly often. Not been to Aussie yet but will, probably to reclaim the Ashes 🙂
stacey x
Welcome Stacey! It is great that your wife is supportive or at least tolerant. Hey, be careful being hard on golfers, I am a golfer. You might be right though, it might be worse than being a CD. Glad to have you here.
Hi Michelle
lol, well I tried golf..... brought a set of Sticks and had some lessons..... decided I was terrible and that being trans was infinitely more fun and I was likely to see more improvement in that area of my life rather that ‘interesting’ game..... although the female golfer look does have appeal 😊
look forward to getting to know you
Stacey x
Hello Stacey, I'm also Canadian, but in Southwestern Ontario, so rather East of you as well. So I hope you get to enjoy being here at CDH, lots of friends, and great info too.
Hi Stacey !
Welcome to CDH !