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Hi, Gina is here

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Active Member     La Quinta, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Heaven... Being MtF transgender, one of the most challenging things for me is socializing and being accepted in public.  I have cross-dressed for years alone.  My earliest memory is around 8 years old.  After many years (too many) I finally joined a therapy group online and made nice friendships.  I met up with some of the girls a few times and that felt great.  I'm married, 2 times.  My first wife was kind of aware, but did not like it.  After 25 years and 2 beautiful daughters, I ended the marriage.  mostly because I started to explore my transgender life more seriously and she was not into it.  "I'm not lesbian" I would hear.  I then luckily found a wonderful woman who accepted me 100%, except.  there is always this except with her.  "Can't let my kids, mom, family know."  just not acceptable.  Well, I honor that and so far it works.  We have 2 homes.  one in La Quinta, California and one in Tel Aviv, Israel.  Israel I'm mostly in man mode.  I spend 3-4 months/yr there.  And then we live in CA another 3-4 months.  The rest of the time we are either apart or traveling somewhere together.  I'm sort of retired, but my work still wants me to help guide and advise them.. I'm an engineer with 35 years on the job.  enough work I think.  I have a number of hobbies.  anything outdoors.. hiking, climbing, camping, etc.  I tinker with things, electrical and mechanical..the engineer in me.  And of course I love to dress up as a beautiful woman.  I could use some help with makeup and the finishing touches.  My hair, although quite long, is pretty thin on top.. that bad T (DHT).  Wish to fix that somehow.  anyway..thats enough for tonight.  glad to meet you all and it you are in southern California or Tel Aviv, we should get together.

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Posts: 619
Honorable Member     South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Gina,

Welcome it is lovely to meet you. I am sure you will find friends here from all over the world, so with your travelling I hope you get to meet as many as possible.

Jessica x.

Posts: 1524
Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Gina !

Great intro. Just navigate the site and participate in the forums and chatroom. I'm sure you'll be making friends in no time.



Posts: 934
Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hello and welcome Gina! Have fun exploring this community.

Posts: 7139
Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Gina welcome, happy that you did find us. With you as a long time dresser I’m sure many here would love to hear some of your stories and experiences. We’re always looking to learn more about this amazing world. Meet with some of our wonderful ladies who would love to chat and with some make lasting friendships. Beautiful place and one I know you’ll enjoy being part of . Very nice meeting you .

Stephanie 🌹

Posts: 3150
Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Welcome Gina!


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