Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi, I’m Fiona. I’ve been lurking for a while and decided it’s time to introduce myself. You are all so beautiful and comforting.
I am closeted. To be completely honest, wearing girly things for me is about “sexy time” or building up to it. I don’t really aspire to a full conversion but in my perfect world, I would dress as sort of a gender hybrid. Please feel free to message me about anything! 😘
Welcome Fiona, we are glad you joined CDH. As you know, this is a very friendly and supportive community.
Fiona, welcome, this is certainly a special place full of beautiful ladies all enjoying this wonderful world. Get all doll up and enjoy mixing right here. Girls here love to chat and make one feel very comfortable in themselves to enjoy moving with a dream looking forward. In time find others maybe close but always around and with some develope wonderful friendships. Happy to have you here and now enjoy all that we are.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Fiona !
Welcome to CDH ! The ladies here share their support, advice and tips with each other as well as experiences. Allow me to suggest that you take the time to learn how to navigate the site. Read some articles and forums. Read some member profiles to see what kind of information people share to allow people to know them better. Most of all feel free to participate. We’re very friendly here.
Hi Fiona! Glad you decided to join our community. And glad to have you add your voice and story as well. The experience and journey range here is incredible, so as others have said take some time to read an article or 2, chat when you feel comfortable and more importantly enjoy your time here.
Hi Fiona!