Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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I'm Helene and live in Groningen in the Netherlands. I had never heard of this site until a couple of days ago. I've been dressing for years with the occasional 'Purge' inbetween for forty-eight years. I have now come to terms with being me and do not intend to purge again. Im loving getting back into wearing make-up and buying clothes...I just wish I had the nerve to go public.
Hi Helene, welcome firstly. . I'm relatively new here too, don't be put off, everyone here is very friendly. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and someone will have the answer or a suggestion for you.
We all started like you. You will fine a lot of help and support here. Going out for the first time is a sensation you'll always remember. Whether to go out, go out with girlfriends or opt to stay in, we all all here for you.
Helene it's so nice to have you with us. Wonderful to welcome you from the Netherlands. I'm from Canada and as you will find were from all over all enjoying our love to dress. Meet with our lovely ladies and who enjoy chatting and sharing each other's experiences. There is many beautifully written articles from ladies asking, sharing and offering helpful information to answer many questions one has. Happy you have found us and now enjoy much that we have in a place that support all. Again welcome and it's nice to meet you. Stephanie 🌹
Welcome! Many are public and many are still in the closet sharing your feelings. I hope you enjoy yourself as much as I do here.
Hi Helene. I am also a new member. I recently overcame my fear of stepping out by getting a professional makeover while out of town. I was unrecognizable with the make-up and wig, and felt so confident going out that I will certainly do it again. Best of luck.
Hi Helene, welcome! This is a great place to help you on your journey whenever it may lead you. The articles, the chat and more importantly the members are helpful and supportive for that journey! Michelle Liefde, from Massachusetts US.
Hi Helen,
I have now come to terms with being me and do not intend to purge again
I can so much relate to this: as a life-long crossdresser (going on 50), I can't remember how many times I purged my stuff to try to be this 'guy' people expected/wanted/believed me to be. The hell with that. We are who we are 😉
I just wish I had the nerve to go public.
So do I. But it probably won't ever happen.
Welcome Helene.
My very first girlfriends name. Check out the posts and articles on this site. It blew my mind how many of us are out there and when boiled down, have the exact same story. Everybody is copying ME. Lol
It has been enlightening and terafying at the same time but glad I joined.