Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi there!
Just want to introduce myself, I have been crossdressing for twenty year, like most of us fifteen years of it was in the closet. However five years ago I came out to my wife about my secret life. At first she was upset and not sure how to react, since then she has been supportive. I have alway wanted to be apart of a "special group of beautiful ladies" and I'm very excited to be a member here. I live in North Carolina with my gorgeous wife and have two daughters who are in college.
My style is sophisticated sexy! I had a secret boyhood crush on Alexis Colby (Loved watching Dynasty!!) I thought she was absolutely gorgeous and loved all her outfits! "Dresses, Pearls, Heels, Hats and FURS!" Overtime I have been able to build my closet of beautiful outfits and accessories. Its very close to her style with modern day fashion. It is such a joy to get all dolled up! I look forward to talking and hopefully meeting some of you lovely ladies!
All the best,
<p style="text-align: right;">Welcome Bree. It is great that your wife is so supportive. You will enjoy</p>
being a part of CDH. Lots of great girls here who are supportive and very friendly.
welcome to C.D.H Bree , this is the place to meet others like our selfs. glade your wife is supportive. my wife is some what supportive. she lets me dress up when our last adult child is not home. she has seen me getting dressed up but will not do my make up or let me sit in same room with her. i love dressing up all pretty, its like a normal thing for me to dress up in female cloths and not that boring male cloths. i have my own collection of female attire, by on line and in stores. i have more female attire then wife does and seem to wear them more the she does. i am medically retired, she works. so i am the female of the house. well feel free to read my profile to now more about me. glade to have you aboard.
Bree, wonderful having you here with us and enjoy all that we have here to offer. With a supportive partner and a love for dressing this is certainly a place you’ll enjoy being part of . The girls here are helpful and friendly with their advice and tips with a heart for understanding about our passion. Being well opened or very closeted were all the same inside and having a place to express ourselves and with so many is a wonderful thing. Develop beautiful friendships ,share each other’s experiences and know you have us to enjoy here. Welcome .
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Bree,
Hello and welcome, I am new myself and have made many friends in a short space of time.
Jessica x.
Hi Brie.My story is similar to yours.My wife was extremely distressed when I came out as a crossdresser in 2004.In 2016 she started to be accepting.Nowadays she is so much more than that.She buys all my female clothes,advises me on what outfits to wear.Also compliments me on my appearance.We are like girlfriends.We love chatting about clothes.Welcome to CDH.
Welcome Bree. I'm also I'm NC. Eastern part.
Welcome Bree!