Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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71 years old and finally breaking out of the closet. A life long cross dresser, I have always been better at being a woman than a man. I like to listen, ask questions and work cooperatively. These traits both helped and harmed me in the manly business world. I dress my age, but nowadays that does not mean drab. I like colors, lively prints and the boho gypsy look. Hope to get to know y'all.
Welcome Danrella!
Hi Danrella., I live in Charleston SC, am 72 and also have been crossdressing since childhood. I tend to favor fancy dresses, but have toned it down on the few occasions that Gloria has seen the light of day. The group Charleston Area Trans Support(CATS) is active. I'm probably their worst member and have only gone to a few meetings. Logistics are a problem. If you live in the Lowcountry or visit here, it might be fun to meet for some girl talk - even if we are dressed in drab the first time . In any event, Welcome to the CDH neighborhood. It has been fun and interesting Hugs Gloria Mundi
Well howdy Danrella! Welcome to CDH and TGH our sister site. Hope you find our site helpful and am sure you will find friends to chat with. I have been friends with a girl from Columbus SC and she helped me with a friend from there who passed away recently.....under a bridge from neglect. Was wounded at Dak To and I picked him up in my medivac.....I do so miss Jimmy.
I look forward to hearing more from you.........
Dame Veronica
Welcome to CDH, Danrella! I have fund lots of friendship and support at CDH and I'm sure that you will too.
Hi there Miss Danrella, Welcome to this fascinating group of gurls. We've all been interested in being who we really are and now you're among those who understand the feelings of being "that gurl" we were really meant to be...
I have a sister in Raleigh NC who I visit (she has no idea) and could drop down to meet you (publicly in drab or privately in a hotel/motel setting) somewhere...and yes, I too am an OLDER person...though my own interests are in fetish and sensuality including bondage (as in "forced to do what one really NEEDS to do" -wicked grins) but really, I'm quiet, caring, easy going, honest and..more. So if you'd like to meet at some future point, just let me know...