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Hi ladies! My name is Joy and I'm a crossdresser from Buffalo, NY. Like most, I've always known I was a crossdresser from a young age. In my 30's, I am just now trying to understand what that means to me. I came out to my wife last year as a crossdresser. At first she took the news well and tried to be understanding. But lately she doesn't understand why I dress. I've explained it to her but she just feels uncomfortable. She is ok with me dressing alone but that is it. I've been on a emotional rollercoaster the past couple of weeks and finally decided I needed to reach out for help. I'm looking for someone, anyone to talk to about this who will understand. If you are local to my area that would be awesome but not necessary. I look forward to talking more. Bye!
Hi joy and welcome
Thank you for sharing your story, many of the people on this site are or have been in similar relationships so hopefully they will reach out to you. Having a partner means that there needs to be compromise and balance, something you'll need to work out between you. Keep the lines of communication open and be honest. There are alot of emotions and feelings in play. As strongly as you want and in some ways need this as part of your life, she, while loving and wanting to support you doesn't! Although a tough road, judging by members here, can and does work for many.
Glad you've joined us and hope that you can work things out, and enjoy
Joy, Sorry to hear about your wife’s being uncomfortable to your desires to dress but here have many who understand your passion and here to help you in every way. As your dressing is limited at least have us here to enjoy the experience of being who you are in a community that really cares about everyone. this is certainly the place you’ll find many of the answers you are seeking. Look into our forums written by others who talk about their experiences, their questions they may ask with many offering help and advice so everyone can understand better on so many confusing topic . Many face this troubling ordeal but be asured you have that support and help from everyone here . Relax, get comfortable and enjoy being part of this wonderful community that really does care for all that passes through our doors. Very happy meeting you and welcome.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Joy , CDH a fabulous place to embrace your feminine side , enjoy yourself 😊 Tiff
Hi Joy,
Hello it is is lovely to meet you, sorry I am not local to you, I am in the UK, but happy to chat anytime. CDH is a wonderful place to be yourself and make new friends, I look forward to seeing you around.
Jessica x.
Hi joy
Welcome to cdh. Lots of help and support out there and lots of girls about to chat to. Keep smiling and chat to all in this wonderful place. Do not b on your own
Sammatha x
Hi Joy !
Welcome to CDH !
Welcome Joy. You will make a lot of supportive friends on CDH.
Welcome Joy!