Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Been CD from age 12 to now I still get a thrill putting on my bra and panties every morning especially sliding on my stockings. Then on with the man stuff until later on then out with the frocks nighties slips and other yummy stuff and of course the makeup and scrummy yummy perfumes and skin creams to give me the feeling of being totally who I really am.
Hi Marilyn
Hello and welcome from the other side of the world. New Zealand looks to be a beautiful place. There are lots of friendly people here. I hope to see you around the site, feel free to message me anytime.
Jessica x.
Welcome Marilyn! Sounds like you have a great routine to allow your feminine side to flourish. You will enjoy Bing a part of CDH.
Welcome Marilyn!
Welcome, this is a fabulous community and resource. Gigi
Marilyn A big hello from Canada. Welcome, your now part of a wonderful place to express yourself to who you would love to be. That lady deep inside and with the company of many caring and understanding gals who can help you with everything from dressing to makeup and all in between. So start enjoying all that we have and in a community that really supports and accepting for everyone. Very nice to meet you and have a wonderful journey ahead.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi from the UK
Sounds like you have fun and enjoy your fem side, me though tried wearing fem underwear under male clothing once, became to confusing for my head, and still dose, why I can not explain.
All the best
Lucy Liz
Welcome to CDH Marilyn.You will love being part of our community.Hope you enjoy.
Hi Marilyn ,
Big hello from Australia , Tiff ☺
Hi Marilyn !
Welcome from new york. It's not my fault, I was born here. 😉
Welcome to CDH
Hahahaha , you make me smile 😊
What happened to "so good they named it twice" Autumn.x.