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I found out recently that my boyfriend likes to crossdress. He doesn't know that I know and idk what to do. Do I wait for him to tell me do I guess? I think he wants to get caught but idk how to go about that either! Any advice is much appreciated. I'm very open minded and supportive and it hurts to know he feels like he can't tell me.
Hi Megan . Its such a well guarded secret that he may never admit it you . Don't take it personally, hard I know, but it is truly Terifing coming out Let alone to a SO. Maybe some of the other SOs here can help you . But be prepared for complete denial. He will be exstatic when he finds out you support him though. Assuring him you won't leave him may help. Good luck. Your AWESOME . All the best. Mikayla
Idk ? Don't know what it means.
Did Do, I agree
It means I don't know. 😉
I wrote him a letter a few weeks ago just to remind him how much I love him and that he can tell me anything anytime, no matter what. Im not going to leave. I understand how hard it must be to tell me but what I don't understand is how he can make a new Facebook profile for his female persona with mutual friends but has me blocked. One friend in particular made a comment about how he posted something about wanting to get caught. How the hell do I do that?!
Maybe come home unexpected early but stay real cool if you do catch him, He will panic, so the cooler you can be the better.. If he really does want to get caught it won't be very hard then. The fear of you leaving is the first problem he has.
I tried that today but it didn't work. I'll keep trying!
I will paint a picture for you.. He comes out, and you say you love him, never leave blah blah . Fast forward 5 years, you now don't like him doing it anymore and start to resent him. . Now you have all that wonderful ammunition to use against him. Unfortunately this is not a rare outcome SO. Do you dare admit this and risk ruining your life . I WOULDN'T .
Lmao. We are very crafty.
Magen, certainly a sticky situation . Many of us do this and much alone but always wondering about if a close one may be thinking somethings up .. noticing something that could be discovered. I'm most cases if something is amist, an item ,computer left running most of us as men are absent minded in nature . You would likely know .it would be embarrassing to say the least. As mentioned for others look into groups and specifically (wives and significant others ) join up and talk to gg girls, special ladies like your self and get the answers you are seeking. Hope the best to you. Be patience good things take time. And as one of your ambassadors please be free to PM me, love to help if you need. Stephanie 🌹
Thank you so much! I've already read one book and am looking into support groups.
He may enjoy dressing with you, maybe you can indicate your support for gender fluidity- and men that like to be women sometimes
Hi Megan........most of us are afraid to admit we like girls clothing so it is tough to "come out" so to speak. I would say nothing until he does or you could get him to go shopping with you for clothes and maybe he will be encouraged to tell you. Good luck sweetie!
Dame Veronica