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Hi I'm Rachel

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Hi I am new to this web site and relatively new to cross dressing. Have also come to it very late as I am retired. Am very much in he closet as a combination of clumsiness and poor choice of garment colour resulted  in a very real situation with my wife and although subsequently my wife tried to be logical and understanding she was not able to get beyond her inner feeling that underdressing in "female garments " is a perversion. As I do not want to destroy her mental well-being or our marriage I have need to place my inclination firm!y in the closet and only to emerge when I am totally on my own. Ironically my interest has widened to more than under dressing now.

The interest started from liking the feel of polyester and polyamide fabric against my skin but also disliking the tightness  of tighty whities and trousers around the waist.

I do not have any desire to become a woman nor to seek to pass as a woman but then 6 months ago I was only wanting to wear knickers and camis.

Not sure where things will go in the future.



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Posts: 114
Estimable Member     Prescott, Arizona, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Not sure of how old you are but once you start dressing and get the feel of your feminine side you'll never be able to stop. I've been trying to stop for over 28 years, and love being feminine more every time I dress and put on my makeup. Welcome to CDH honey enjoy like the rest of us girls do.

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Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Welcome Rachel!

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Rachel,

Great intro. Sure feels good when ever we can dress. Always we have life's considerations for our dear loved ones.

Just part of who we are, tender, caring, loving human beings. Best Wishes Rachel. and Welcome to a new home, you will love it here.

-Terri Anne

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Rachel welcome , we all come here with these  desires of why  and confused on understanding what is  driving us to do this . And once theses impulses start to control our  feelings  one really doesn't know where our paths will lead. As our confinance begin to show and much control can be made to better grasp   what to improve on  our looks , mannerisms and the ability to coordinate a better woman in appearance  . Always improving and here with our articles on fashions to makeup and everything else will help in many ways. Be happy to dress just for yourself and only to the what makes you  comfortable . Its you so enjoy Rachel be there when you really need her. Very happy to meet you and hope the best to your journey ahead.                              Stephanie..

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Rachel. I'm glad you came over. Welcome to CDH. Crossdressing is a powerful need. It becomes part of your life. The love for it grows stronger each day. You are not alone. Enjoy the experience.

Cinnamon kisses.


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Hello Rachel...

Welcome to CDH.


The ladies  here will help you navigate  through your journey.


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<p style="text-align: left;">Thanks afor the welcoming messages. Am hopeful of having a few days alone time next month so have purchased some e tea femme clothes in anticipation so in addition to knickers and camus I will  have two dresses a  couple of tops, a skirt, a pair of flat shoes, and panty hose.  I am contemplating going for a drive away from my immediate area but remains to be seen if I get brave enough for that. Apologies for cross through on text but using a new mobile and have not fully mastered  keyboard. </p>




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