Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello all. I am a part-time closeted CD from New York and I started crossdressing at about the age of 12 with my mom's clothes. It was always a solitary, at home occupation that was associated with a lot of confusion, guilt and shame (being raised Catholic didn't help). But I found the courage in me recently, at the tender age of 57, to step outside fully dressed. It was exhilarating and a couple of nights after, I went to an LGBTQ+ bar where I had a positive experience. I decided to join this forum to find a community where I can discuss all this.
Welcome Veronica , you are definitely in the right place !! So much love and friendship on this wonderful forum x
Welcome to CDH Veronica! Being out in public en femme is just the best, isn't it 🙂 This lovely warm community of like-minded ladies likes nothing more than to chat away about this and all other aspects of CD / TG life. I think you're going to like it here!
Fiona xxx
Hi Veronica,
Welcome to CDH, plenty of girls from NY, NJ area here to share your experiences!
Welcome aboard Veronica!
Hi Veronica,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Veronica,
Welcone to CDH! You’re just a pup! Ive been cross dressing on my own for nearly as long as you’ve been alive! Then, last month I found CDH and have grown so much that I am going to an event in OKC where I can be Sheryl for the whole weekend shopping, dining, poolside parties and more! All because this site has given me the encouragement and love I needed to grow! You will Thank all these ladies just as I am doing now! Have fun!
Hi Veronica.
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Veronica and welcome!
Welcome and enjoy yourself here!
-Bethany sometimes
Welcome to CDH you find many lady’s here to chat and share the same experiences with indeed everyone here are so amazing understanding and supported you picked a wonderful place to be
Hi Veronica nice to meet you and please forgive me as was on here to welcome you last night and lost power in my area till early morning hours then up and to work .. Now home and back to see you again girl and tell you about us girls here so sit back and enjoy the ride its a blast .. As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. As for all the girls here we love a good old girly chat so please don't be shy jump in anytime you feel like it .. Ask many questions and receive many answers have fun girlfriend and hope to see you around for that chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Thank you all for the kind words! It makes me feel welcome. 😊
Hi Veroncia!
Nice introduction.
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
And a place you can discuss "all this" i.e. all things crossdressing. 🙂
Again, welcome to CDH!