Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi, everyone!) I'm Victoria. I think I'm a beginner in crossdressing, however occasionally this happened years ago) Just a few days ago was my first experience with complete dressing as a woman. That's an amazing feeling! Hope to find many like-minded friends here.
You can view the new me on Instagram: @vikaspears
P.S. Sorry for my imperfect English;)
Vicky, happy you found us. Browse our site and start enjoying all that we are about. The ladies here are wonderful and love to talk and offer help and advice if needed and always here just to listen if one wishes. In time make lasting friendships and know we’re always here to share each other’s experiences in our love for dressing. Very nice meeting and love to chat anytime.
Stephanie 🌹
hello Vicky nice to have you here on C.D.H. we are a very under standing group and very friendly feel free to read my profile i have been x dressing for many years but it did go away for some time but came back later in my years
Welcome Vicky! You will enjoy CDH, a friendly and supportive community.
Thank you very much for such a warm welcome and encouraging words!
Hello Vicky
Welcome to crossdressing and this wonderfully supportive sight. Enjoy both and make some friends here.
Hi Vicky !
Welcome to CDH ! I have to admit that I had to check a map to see where Moldova was. You are the first person I have ever "met" from Moldova. The ladies here share their support, advice and tips with each other as well as experiences. Allow me to suggest that you take the time to learn how to navigate the cite. Read some articles and forums. Read some member profiles to see what kind of information people share to allow people to know them better. Most of all feel free to participate. We’re very friendly here.
Hi, Autumn!
Thank you very much for kind advices and it's nice to meet you!)
Ahah, yes, my country is small even on maps) We don't have any crossdressing community so I found this amazing website. I definitely will follow your suggestions.
- Vicky
Hi Vicky!
Welcome to CDH! You found a great group of ladies to talk to, share experiences, and get advice from.
Welcome Vicky!