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Hi just alittle bit more about me

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Eminent Member     Merseyside, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi and Hello to all
This is just a little bit about me, it may end up being more than a little bit. So, any way where do I start? Suppose the best place is the first memory I have of crossdressing (I always find that word a bit degrading, I prefer to think about it like this I am just wearing what makes me a whole person). Well the first memory is of age about 4 or 5. Used to rush home from school so I could go and play dress up with a girl who lived around the corner from me. Used to wear long dresses and oversized shoes, such fun we had. Plus, about the same time my Mum got divorced and remarried and was asked if I wanted to change my name, oh I was over the moon until I realised my Mum meant changing surname, not David to Lucy. So, life carried on until we moved to a different town. From then on, I have always had these moments of confusion such as at my next school, boys and girls had different playgrounds, I couldn’t work out why I was not in the girl’s playground. Any way I also remember sneaking some of my sisters’ clothes into my bedroom every now and then so I could wear them at night while sleeping as I sheared a bedroom with one of my brothers. The next significant memory is about age 12 or 13, my sister and her friend asked if I would dress up as a girl to play a trick on our friends next-door, this I did with no hesitation, the trick did not work but when told to change clothes after. Well I refused and runaway to the swing park, oh I was so happy and never wanted to change, but after a few hours had to go home and change before me parent’s got home. The wearing of my sisters’ clothes at night-time continued and as I got older used sneak some of my Mums until was confronted about this. Even then my stepfather asked if wonted to go to school in a skirt, I knew I had to say no, even though I would been over the moon to be able to wear a skirt to school. Had to say no because of the contemporary society at the time was not ready for such an act and in those days if a male was seen in female clothes, you would be classed as a pervert or gay by peers. So finally left school with not a very good education and not very good prospects as not many Jobs around. So, after bumming around for two years doing hard physical jobs, decided to join the British Army. This move was always encouraged by my parent’s as step and bio farther were boon in the Royal Navy. So, ended up joining the Scots Guards. After three years’ service was going to leave but ended up doing 12 due to getting nickname Liz by the rest of the guys. During those years the chance of wearing fem clothes was far and few between and only done while on leave. So left the army and took work in hotels, used to sneak waitresses’ uniform into my accommodation and wear when had time off. The next thing started buying clothes via mail order, but all the ones got then have since been trashed due to purging. So, while working in hotels found love and married my darling Ann, been to gether now for 23 years. Ann knows about my crossdressing and helps me to shop for clothes and things. In the year 2004 I had to go to a private clinic as I needed to find out if I was a crossdresser or transgender the consultation was not very good as I did not get a distinctive answer to that question. So, this brings me to present day, I cross-dress every day, haven’t put make up for few years as just do it at home. Feeling the need to though and to shave my itching body hair.

Sorry it’s a bit long winded but there is a lot more I could put down, decided to stop here, please if you have any questions feel free to ask, I only bite food.


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Welcome to CDH, and thank you for sharing your story with us!

Gaby 💜

Posts: 18
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Eminent Member     Merseyside, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Thank You

Must say looked at other sites to find friends same as us, but this is the best I have come across.

Thank you again


Posts: 619
Honorable Member     South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Lucy,

Welcome again, what an interesting story, I think a lot which will resonate with others.  I would agree, this is the best site I have seen.  Look forward to seeing you around the site.

Jessica x.

Posts: 3150
Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Very interesting story.


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