Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi Ladies,
I'm Alex, a long time lurker of this site and have finally decided to bite the bullet and join up. I have a lot of burning questions to ask, and hopefully some answers and encouragement to give.
I'm 30 years old and like a lot of us I've dreamed about dresses, skirts and tights from a young age (...followed by leggings, bras, knickers, playsuits, jump suites... as I've delved into the extensive world of ladies clothing).
I started cross dressing out of curiosity followed by excitement then acceptance and comfort. But that's all to share on another day, for now just a quick hello. Hello!
Hi welcome and enjoy a new chapter.💋
Hi Alex
it is nice to see another UK girl on here, there are a few of us about and we are very friendly. I am happy to chat anytime, please feel free to message me.
Jessica x
Welcome Alex, you will enjoy being here.
Hello Alex
Thank you fot including a little insight as to who you are in your intro. Welcome, I'm glad to see you've had a look around. Feel free to jump in on the forums or chat, as you've probably noticed, we're a fairly friendly group.
Hi Alex,
Welcome to CDH....I'm 29 years old and, despite I'm living in Brazil now, I studied in UK in 2016, so I know (and love) (and miss) your beautiful country 🙂
Feel free to ask whatever comes up in your mind and we'll be happy to reply. And I'll be available to chat with you as well.
Hi Alex,
Welcome to CDH. Feel free to ask your questions here. Everyone is so knowledgeable and helpful. You’ll enjoy the site tremendously.
Hi Alex
welcome to the site. Embrace it and enjoy it to its fullest. Glad your here.
Thanks for sharing
Rosie Beth.
Alex, this is certainly the place you’ll find many of the answers you are seeking. Look into our forums written by others who talk about their experiences, their questions they may ask with many offering help and advice so everyone can understand better on so many confusing topic . Many face this troubling ordeal but be asured you have that support and help from everyone here . Relax, get comfortable and enjoy being part of this wonderful community that really does care for all that passes through our doors. Very happy meeting you and welcome.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi.. Alex,
Welcome to CDH.
Hia Alex , welcome & enjoy the diversity of girls here ☺ Tiff
Welcome to CDH Alex.Like you I have dreamt about ladies clothes from an early age.Although I cannot identify under the transgender label I spent all my childhood and teen years wishing I was a girl.Have fun on here.Hope you make friends.I am a UK girl too. Xx Roberta
Hi Alex, welcome to CDH 🙂
Hiya from another Brit, have a great time here.
Welcome Alex!