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I remember being fascinated by my mom’s lipsticks and black patent purses, of course she kept her purses high in the closet so that was out of my reach but her lipsticks were fair game at least I could get to those beauties.
I was just wondering how all you wonderful ladies started your adventure into girlhood, have a great day.
at 4 I remember asking my mom to borrow a girdle and some stockings because I wanted to play elegant lady and she agreed, what a wonderfull feeling to feel these items of clothing on my body. I borrowed the stuff several times but somehow deep inside I knew it was in a way wrong thus my cover story with the elegant lady. Few years later I had my own little stash og girly stuff and hid it well.
I guess I thought it was girly when I started removing whatever body hair I could get away with in my early teens. Just from time to time for many years, but more recently it's been pretty much constant. Now in my mid-fifties, I just got the urge to try a bra and panties a couple of years ago, and bought some 🙂 Slippery slope ... but what a ride!
I remeber with not having any access to womens "stuff" and having little cash to buy anything myself. I used to make skirts from old teeshirts etc. The things you do to try and satisfy your wish to feel femail.
Things are easier now.
I can remember growing up in a neighborhood where most people hung laundry outdoors on a clothesline. Several times someone would leave the laundry out over night. I was about 14 and I remember seeing someone had bras hanging out over night. I "borrowed" one. It wasn't the right size so I returned that bra and watched for someone else to leave bras hanging overnight. I didn't have to wait long. Another neighbor left clothes hanging overnight and the woman there was closer to my size. I again "borrowed" a couple bras. It was wonderfull to have my very own bras that actually fit well. I would wear one of "my" bras every chance I got. It was great
Hi Samantha, welcome to CDH. As you're quickly discovering, we're a friendly bunch who love to chat about what we do and why we do it!
To answer your question; for me it was pulling on a pair of my mum's tights when I was aged 4. I'd just been watching a comedy show on TV in which the main character had to disguise himself as a woman, with hilarious consequences. Sadly my first foray into crossdressing was cut short, as my mum discovered me with her best tights still only half way up my legs. The CD bug had bitten, though!
I have told this here before, but I first dressed in my early teens out of curiosity. I only can remember doing it twice, but did the whole nine yards, stockings, girdle, bra, dress, wig, etcetera. After that, I didn't dress, or even think about it for many years, and then one day wore my soon-to-be wife's panties, and that started me down this rabbit hole. I started with just panties but added bras and other lingerie, and that was it for many years. About ten or so years ago I started with outerwear, and soon I was a full-blown CD. While I am still a lingerie fan, I do enjoy fully dressing and going out more and more.
Hi Samantha,
Welcome to CDH. As others have said I started wearing moms bras and panties and a dress at about 11. That started a lifetime of dressing.
The draw is strong for me now, but it wasn't even a thought other than my two episodes as a teen. Then nothing at all, no thoughts or desire to dress until much later. I always love pretty lingerie and that is what got me into dressing. I played with just lingerie for many users before slowly expanding my interest fully dressing. While just lingerie is still a big part of me, (I wear panties daily, and bras frequently), now I enjoy the full CD experience often. I still love my sexy lingerie, it is just now under a dress.
Hi Samantha and welcome.
For me it was at around 7 or 8 when I was home alone for a bit one day I walked into my parent's bedroom and opened one of Mum's drawers for no real reason. It had all of her pantyhose and girdles in it. I picked up a pair of her pantyhose and felt them on my hand and I then wanted to put them on. From the second I felt them sliding up my legs as I put them on I was hooked.
When I was a toddler I would get into Mom’s purse and put on some lipstick. This continued for a few years. By 10 I was wearing bras and panties and at 15 I started dressing en femme. Sixty years later I continue to do so.
I dont remember my first girly adventure, but I have fond memories of going through my mothers and Sssters drawers and trying on various things. My favorite memory is spending a whole day dressed in my mothers and sisters clothes. My mom was at work all day and my sister was at a family members house. I borrowed my mothers bra and panties, and tights and denim dress belonging to my sister. I also squeezed into a pair of ballet flats belonging to my sister. This was the first time doing this and was wonderful.
So, this begs the question: Do most boys try on the mother's, sister's, cousin's clothing and some get hook and others not? Or, those of us who did try on such things were pre-wired to do it?
A classic chicken or egg scenario???
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Me, started when my wife allowed me to try a few things, much later in life than most people.
She was the greatest wife ever, she passed away a while ago now and I have been single living alone ever since (she is basically irreplaceable)
She didn't really like my inclination to CD, which is not unusual, and since she was just the best wife ever (okay I think I said that, LOL!) I stopped.
However, after she passed away, I dabbled in CD until about 10 years after she passed, I just decided I always wanted to be a CD, don't have an SO and probably won't again, so went all in at home privately, took to it way to naturally and now I dress full time at home (no public) and love it.
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, LOL!
Again, welcome to CDH!
Oh my!
I just read your first line and the memories came flooding. I'm laughing so hard now as I remember my childhood. I too had an obsession with my mom's makeup. I think I was in first grade then haha. I would watch her as she put her makeup on and ask her to try on the lipsticks or her nail polish (she would only give me the clear one though). I think at the time she thought it was funny, but after a few times she would deny my requests and hide away her makeup. Gosh! I've almost completely forgotten about that. Thank you for bringing back such lovely memories.
I find it sweet to have this girl-adventure in common with someone.
Welcome to CDH, dear.
I am happy to have you with us.