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Hmm, I realized that I have gone through some emotional sh . . . stuff over the past few years and since rejoining this new version of CDH I may not have properly introduced myself. Hi. My name is Nayomi. The name comes from Naomi meaning pleasant, delightful, honest, agreeable; all things I would like her to be in both body and spirit.
I am 59 and have been fascinated with female clothing and the female soul for as long as I can remember. Though I have fantasized about being a woman I have never felt like making the transition though I have friends that have completed the process. I seek a world where clothing and behavior choices are mine to make. If I want to wear a handsome Italian three-piece custom-tailored suite today and then a Rickie Freeman bell sleeve cocktail dress with strappy heels for dinner - so be it. Don't judge me!
My life has been an amazing cornucopia of travel, unique personal experiences, love, hate, struggle, and immense happiness. Any of which I may share as I journey through this site again. In summary; as an infant I was found in a dumpster then adopted by what turned out to be a physical and emotionally abusive military family, gang raped at 14, sold myself in prostitution, sold drugs, then I got myself together and had a very successful military career and my loving wife of 40 years loves me and all my faults. I have wonderful friends in many segments of society, rich and poor, straight and LGBTQ, kinky and vanilla.
Nayomi represents everything good and positive that has happened in my life but like many of you I want her to absolutely open to the world but I realize the often-narrow limitations of society if we wish to function without ridicule and harassment. So she is only open to a few and exposes herself in safe places or in public where the is no chance of running into someone I know. Heavy sigh.
Try to stay happy and be positive with yourself as we all follow our individual paths.
I love you ALL.
Hello Nayomi, looks like I am the first to welcome you: you are. there is so much in your life that I can recognize - we wouldn't both be here if there weren't. Be assured of my deepest sympathy, and feel among girlfriends here.
Always ready to chat, if you like.
Love, Catarina
Nayomi welcome, very happy to have you back. Much turmoil was experienced in your life but I'm happy that things are going well for you now. It's a wonderful experience being Who We Are and having a beautiful place like this to truly enjoy or passion. Following a path as it means so much when we have many here to call on if needing help and advice to continue our loving ways. Happy to meet you and look forward to seeing you here.
Stephanie 🌹
Catarina; That is so sweet. I thank you. My hope is that I can contribute to the site because of my experiences.
Ms. Flowers, you minx, thank you. Enjoyed your photos . . .
Nayomi.......welcome home my dear. I have known so many girls that have been thru what you have. I too am a world voyageur and seen many things and met many people from far and wide. We are not alone....there are others out there just like us that need the friendship of good people. I look forward to learning more about you and about some of your travels and experiences.....till then........my sister.
Dame Veronica
Welcome back anatomical!
Welcome back Nayomi,
So happy you are here. Thank You for you introduction.
-Terri Anne
Hi, welcome and thank you for your introduction! Happy to have another sister here! - hugs, Michelle
Welcome back 😊
Hello Nayomi
Floored by how well you describe the process that most, if not all of us, experience as we embark on our journey of self discovery. Congrats!
Welcome back Nayomi! I love your name and significance. It’s something we should all strive for. Hugs - Gabi
Welcome Back Nayomi
Thanks for your introduction. I hope your future brings much happiness.
Stay Beautiful