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Hello, Satin Summer here.
A bit about myself. I’m a 67-year-old lifelong cross-dresser with a fetish toward satin and nylon. I started as I became a cub scout. I got my first sleeping bag and asked my parents if I could sleep in it that night. I wore one of my mom’s sexy nylon half-slips and zipped the sleeping bag up around me. As I grew up I got caught twice by my parents (once had to go to a priest), very traumatic. Got married at the age of 28 to a woman I knew since high school. Shortly after I asked her to get married we were lying on the bed after sex, and she left the room. I tried on one of her nylons just over my foot and she walked back into the room. She smiled at me and said do you like that! She could tell by my smile that I did. I brought her various satin lingerie including slips, half-slips, camisoles, garter belts, bras etc. I liked one of the pieces, a black satin petty pant. She knew how much I liked it and just before we went out to dinner on a date she came over to me (I knew she was wearing them) and handed me another pair. She said she knew how much I like them that she went out and bought me my own to wear. I was shocked but went into the bathroom took off my own underwear and put them on. We went out to dinner with her foot sliding up and down my leg. That was the beginning of my marriage to the most beautiful and sexy woman of my life. She knew of my cross-dressing of course and we had multiple occasions to do that. Halloween was always the best but we did it year-long. With her doing my makeup buying me blouses and skirts and of course intimate wear including heels. Unfortunately she died from breast cancer in 2008. I lost my best friend. So I continue on I will never stop cross-dressing it’s ingrained in my soul. I wear my nylon and satin panties under my clothes 24 seven. I live for the weekend (I’m still working) when I can wear my satin blouses and skirts and pantyhose and heels. I still have friends men and women but none of them know. So I go about my business and have fun prancing around in my frilly’s on the weekend. I of course only sleep between satin sheets and dream of satin!
Yours truly
Satin Summer
What a lovely story. Oh how i envy the years that you spent with such an understanding woman, and friend.
Satin thankyou for sharing your lovely story. And to actually have your wife's support and that little bit told on how she set you up with your own things. But so sorry to hear you lost your dream girl. Hope the best and I see you have continued your love for dressing and now being here with us. Your not alone here and have many friends to comfort and support you so do enjoy our company.. very happy to meet and love to talk anytime. Stephanie 🌹
Hi Satin,
Very nice story that you have shared with us, Thank you.
-Terri Anne
Hi Satin,
Welcome and thank you for sharing your story. Happy to have you join us here! - hugs, Michelle