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Hi there.
New to the scence. I have worn Lingerie for years but now want to exapand. I dont do makeup and hair etc just clothes at the moment. But in time i would like to expand.
Hi Lara plenty of great girls here , lots to read about & learn ☺ Tiff
hello Lara nice to have you here all us girls are very friendly and under standing/ look around the site, lots to read and learn.
Welcome Lana. Plenty of support here and help with your journey. Look around the site and you will find lots of great information.
Sorry Lara, I typed Lana, my mistake.
Kara, welcome. There’s much here for you to discover . Get comfortable and explore all that we have here and meet some wonderful girls just like you enjoying their feminine feelings felt deep inside. Browse our forums and learn about makeup, dressing and everything to better yourself to be as feminine as we can. Very nice meeting you
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Lara,
Lovely to have you on board, there are some really nice and friendly people here. If you want any advice or support please ask.
Jessica x.
Welcome Lara to this wonderful site.Enjoy all the comradeship between us girls.Looking forward to getting to know you.
Welcome Lara!