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Hi there, happy to find this forum

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Posts: 6
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Active Member     Northern, Italy
Joined: 7 years ago

I'm a crossdresser from Italy.

I love shoes and purple color outfits. 💜

I'm not ready to post photos of me, please be kind.

I'd like to talk and find new friends. 🙂

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Posts: 6
Active Member     Herefordshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 7 years ago

Welcome, Abbygale.

I'm sure you'll soon have a bunch of friends for, coupled with your pleasure in wearing purple, you are Italian!

I should love to have you as a friend.


Posts: 46
Eminent Member     KALAMAZOO, Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

welcome to cdh you will meet a lot and a lot of information here

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Bona sera Abbygale....Comme sty (?). Yes I can speak some Italian but not write or spell....some I can read. Sweetie.....WELCOME to CDH! I hope you enjoy our site as well as the new site...yes 2 sites now....the new one, not up yet, is more for transgenders. any of us girls...we love to chat, exchange ideas, help with questions and be sisters who love each other and care for each other.....we are family!  My door is always open to you, come in, set a spell, drink vino and chat.

Dame Veronica   (my real name)

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Abbygale   welcome to Cdh. Here enjoy all that we have in our forums to  many of the articles written be ladies wanting  to understand and learn , to better ourselves nd enjoy the pleasures  of womanhood. Meet our gals  and in time develope friendships. Relax and start enjoying us ,  get comfortable  , go at your own  pace .  In time a confinance will begin to  emerge and feelings I'm sure will follow. Happy to meet you and enjoy your journeys ahead. 🌹

Posts: 6
Topic starter
Active Member     Northern, Italy
Joined: 7 years ago

Dear, thanks for your friendliness. <3

Great you can understand italian language, funny how you write, buy I can understand. 😀



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