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Hi there.
Im here just to talk to someone really. At the momemt im really confused with myself.
Lets start fom beggining.
6years ago i get married. I knew my wife is ininto cosplays as i was into anime and we et at manga convention.
After some time she get me into coplay and eventually crossdressing. It was her thing and really turn her on.
I started to enjoy it as well to thatdegree i was living as girl during weekends.
However this might be little too much
And she file divorce and the reason was that i abuse her mentally by dressing up. During court she basicly expose me dressed and so on. So my friends and family know already and try to avoid me.
At this point i like my girly side and would love to live as one on more permament role bt im notnsure if i would want to have like full change.
Thank you for reading my wierd confession
Abi, I'm so sorry to hear about your messy break up. Certainly wasn't fair to you and terrible for how family and friends were told. As least here we understand these desires for feeling much like a woman and with many like yourself enjoy expressing those feelings with the support of a community that cares. Make wonderful friendships and always know your part of a special place. Very nice meeting you and looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Abi!
Welcome Abi. Don't worry about your confession, and I was sorry to hear of the messiness of the breakup.
Here, at least you are amoung friends, and people who accept, what we are. Dressing gives me a sense of peace that I find impossible to articulate, as well as loving the look and feel of the clothes!
Thank you for all that support. If you wish to contact reedabigail020@gmail.com for any reason feel free to do so
Hello and welcome Abi! You have come to the right place for support, encouragement, and advice. Sorry to hear about the messiness of your separation. The people who truly love you will still be there for you.