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been dressing since childhood, now somewhat frustrated and a bit depressed in my 60’s aaaaargh! Damn those eyebags!!
lost wonderful lady friends due to my alter ego, seriously considering a makeover but not sure whether i have the nerve!
also, too make matters worse, an (understanding)ex wanted some Halloween pics of me dressed and I sent them, but they may also have gone to someone else...this happen to anyone?
Hi Janie, and welcome to CDH! Sorry that you are feeling that way and hope that by joining us here that you can find some fun, encouragement and support from a really incredible group of ladies. hugs, Michelle
Janie welcome . I understood about our looks as I too am running into my early 60's . Wished I had looked after my face from all the years of abuse. A wrinkle or two but happy to try on improving with learning a trick or two. consider a makeover as for what I've seen from pictures of some of our ladies it's an amazing how one can be transformed into a someone totally different. One of beauty; maybe not the dream girl we ever so vision but a woman looking back beautiful as one seen in one's eyes . The stories I've read through their eyes are breathless as many have said. I myself have booked my first makeover with intentions of going out in public for the very first time this Dec. Very nervous but excited and advice from some of our ladies really helped in building up my confinance to follow up on dream that has been with me for a long time. Read many of our forums here and see what girls feel on this and other topics. Girls here are fantastic and love to meet with, talk and in some cases developed lasting friendships. Hope you enjoy being here and look forward to seeing you here soon.
Welcome Janie!
Hi Janie,
You have found the best site on the web. Go for the makeover - you will love it!!
Oh, My, That is one way to come out , right? been there hun!
As far as CDH, You may like the great articles to read, Forums to check out and groups to join* . Chat rooms are fun and informative. All
of these things make up a special safe, welcoming community of like minded
people. -Terri Anne
*Joining CDH groups needs the Baroness level of membership or higher.