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I guess I should get around to introducing myself. My name is Jesse, or as some friends refer to me, Jessica. I'm from the southern half of Florida. Summer all year long. Which is cool since I don't like to wear a lot of clothes. A typical beach bunny, I probably own more bikinis than anything else. Pretty much everyone knows how I am. Been caught so many times that I don't hide it anymore. Started as a preteen and just progressed from there! I work out constantly, mostly on my legs and booty, which seems to be everyone's favorite part. Basically just wanted to say hi and give encouragement and support to all you beautiful people!
Love Jessica
Welcome to CDH Jessica from the U.K.
Hi Jesse and welcome to CDH. I bet you have a great tan. You will make a lot of friends and find a lot of support.
Hi Jesse and welcome to CDH. I bet you have a great tan. You will make a lot of friends and find a lot of support here.
Hi jessica.
Lucky girl living the dream..beautiful weather beaches and bikinis.
Anyway welcome to cdh. Itca special place. Enjoy. Chat anytime love sammatha x
Hi Jessica !
Welcome to CDH !
Jessica, Ah!! to have summer all the time. Dresses all the time. Sorry girl me in a bathing suit 😲I'm an Canadian gurl and do love the seasons but enjoy discovering how much fun it is discovering all the fashion styles to choose from. Happy to welcome you and being excited about this you have us to journey with . From someone just starting to the well experience everyone here enjoys the support and acceptance that is truly unique. Your Help and encouragement would be most appreciated as many of our gals are here searching and trying to figure themselves. Many of our girls love to chat and share stories and with some make wonderful friendships. So get comfortable and enjoy being part of a special place that really cares about everyone that passes through our doors. Very nice meeting you.
Stephanie 🌹
Hello and welcome beach bunny!
Hi Jessica,
Welcome from one Jessica to another. It sounds like you have a wonderful time in Florida, I hope you enjoy CDH. Look forward to seeing you around the site.
Jessica x.
Welcome Jessica!