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- Hi my name is Jenny and I just joined this site.I have been wearing undergarments off and on for a few months now.I hope to make new friends and enjoy my time on this page.
Heyy Jenny I'm Allie and I've been doing the same thing you should add me or I'll add you and we can talk and become friends 💞💞❤❤
Sounds great.I just added you back.
Jenny, so wonderful to have you with us. This is certainly the place to learn more about our love to dress . Meet with and get the advice and tips from understanding gals. Theres a weath of knowledge and experience here and the friends one can make. A beautiful place that I'm sure you'll enjoy being part of . Welcome and very happy to meet you .
Stephanie 🌹
Hello Jenny and welcome
Hey Jenny,
welcome to the Enfem world, I was a closeted XDer for many a year,
until October of 2015, when my SOGGF came back 3 days early from a "2 week" business trip, She is a Double Radical Mastectomy BCancer survior, anyhow (i share a house with her (her house)) she found me in our Bedroom with a spare pair of her 38DD BForms on in a sexy bra of hers, matching panties and a Very Sexy Mesh Bodysuit and a Very Tight Spandex Lace Mini (mini at least on me) and a pair of her spider web black pantyhose, (as our stereo in living room was on loud, I did NOT hear her come in about 1pm or so that afternoon)... BOY OH BOY was she pissed. THEN she said If you like my OUTFITS so MUCH, then since U like being DRESSED as a FEMALE then FROM TONIGHT thru Halloween Costume party my office is having YOU MUST DRESS 24/7 fEMALE UNTIL THEN...AND not JUST WEARING FORMS LOOSE IN BRA,,,you WILL HAVE TO LET ME PROPERLY "SEMI PERMANENTLY" adhere them to you with my MEDICAL ADHESIVE, thusly they won't come off without my Adhesive remover...THEN She transformed me from Jammie to Tammiee,,,by Halloween I was loving it with her DRESSING me and making me up just as she did but then came the big SURPRISE, the morning after the Halloween, SOGGF, woke me up extra early, said Jammie, I think you really are a girl in a man's body, you obviously like being tammie, How about continuing to live with me as Tammie, thru New Year's Eve, I said okay, then she said OKAY, GOOD, Ive got the day off, from work, we are going shopping to get you your own BRAs and Panties, but FIRST we need to Use my extra Strong Surgical Adhesive on your chest and the back of the forms, this way when you are measured for ur own bras at my SOMA Intimates Store, the sales associate that is a Profession Bra fitter can measure u with forms on but NO BRA.
Long story short every since I then I been OPENLY Living FEMALE and loving it,,,SOGGF on MY Birthday as Tammie had another surprise for me, she had order 4 me 38DDD forms the next size larger, as one of my many 1Year BDay as Tammie, Part 1 was forms, Part 2 trip to same SOMA INTIMATES for new 38DDD bras, (some even sexier that what 38DD bras, ) SOGGF had even gotten me a NEW one to wear to soma store, plus a SEXY thong panty go to with the THONG bottom Mesh Spandex Bodysuit She had outed me wear,, but with the 38DDD forms even tighter fitting thus making my BOOBs even more pronounce,,, then with the DD forms I had been wearing....
I love being tammie 24/7 for about 3.5 years now,,, still have a lot to learn...about being FEMALE,, Just today MY SOGGF said Tammie, In a couple of weeks, I have another VERY Feminizing SURPRISE 4 U. ??????? I wounder what Now?
I found out my SOGGF thinks I a better look Female than a Male, and loves shopping with me for SEXY outfits for Me.
Long and short, If you have very supportive SO its much easier to be a XDer,,,she says she has more fun "Sexually" dressing me FEMALE than the a real nite of sex.....I never know what is going to turn her on,,one day she even insisted we shower together before we Dressed for the day...
She even says like this labor day moringing,, today we are going to do nothing but have a day wearing nothing but our Bras and Panties and or our matching Bikini Swimsuits.
got to run....SOGGF saying get off the internet Tammie, we are going into town nite
Hi, Jenny! Welcome. I'll be your friend.