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Hi Crystal here. I can't believe how wonderful people are here. I love the thought of making friends here and maybe even getting a chance to go out together. I'm from Allentown,PA but I get to travel some. I guess I have to describe myself as a hose and heel girl who just love looking good. Love you hear from you.
Welcome Crystal,
Thanks luv
Hi Crystal! We are all just girls, looking for friendship, a shoulder to cry on and someone to chat with. Look forward to hearing more from you sweetie.
Dame Veronica
Hi Chrystal. Welcome in the gang.
Crystal, happy to have you here. It certainly is a wonderful place and our girls are so helpful in making one's time here a comfortable and relaxing experience. Making friends is so much fun and exciting and always know that your never alone . Welcome to our family and hope to see you around.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Crystal, It warms my heart to see so many good people on the same journey as i am. Can't wait to get to know you all. Again welcome
Brianna Butterfly
Crystal, welcome. It's nice to have people around us who have some understanding of our journey. Thats what you'll find here, as I have. Make some good friends. I read your profile and look forward to seeing more from you. Cheers to us.
Welcome Crystal!
There are two great organizations in that area. TransCentral PA is an advocacy group that holds events around Harrisburg a lot, and go to meetup dot com and look for Mid Atlantic TransSperience Community (MATC). They hold monthly meetings at various venues in and around Allentown.
Nice to have you here on CDH!
Welcome CrystaL
i hope you find CDH helpful in your journey
hi crystal. welcome to cdh. I hope you will make many friends on here and most of all enjoy yourself!
fiona xxx
Hello crystal, how are you? Im from the philly area, if you there, we can get a group and go out clubbing or somethinng,.. im a hose girl too...
Welcome Crystal to CDH!
Welcome Crystal to CDH.I am very much a heels and hose girl too.In my case mid and lo low heel shoes as I had some foot problems last time I wore very high heels.As for hose,just mad about it.Have been since I was a kid.
Welcome Crystal!