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Well it’s along store I’m sure like everyone else I can remember as far back as 6 and just thinking how I’d like to be a girl like my sister I would daydream about people thinking I was a girl then one day around 8 I decided to go into my moms room and put on her bra and panties I really like it but wasn’t sure what it was meaning at the time about the same time I had my sister put nail polish on me and we dressed up dolls together as I got older I wanted more at 11 I would steal things from my mom and sisters room and wear them at night one time I was in the bathroom in my sisters bathing suit and I had a know on the door it was my dad I said just a minute and I had to throw my boy clothes over top of it and wear it back to my room, at 15 I was almost caught again in one of my moms dresses that was my first time completely dressed another close one I’ve kept dressing off and on until I got married at 35 and then my desire actually grew and I started dressing more but then I’ll get scared and purge I’ve done this several times and have secretly spent thousands on outfits and going to hotels to dress I don’t think I can continue to purge and hide it’s been difficult
Hey, we’ve all been through the purge thing! Resist! You know you’ll want to dress again. Once embedded it’s a lifelong thing. I’ve been dressing for fifty years: it never goes away. Pm me if you like❤️
I have been through purges too..my desire to dress and express my feminity always came back.
Here at CDH someone. Suggested if you must purge go through the motions but put your clothes in a suitcase and put it away. That motion has served me well.....I have embraced my femininity and express it when the opportunity presents itself... Be patient ... I have reached my balance in my alter egos.. Leonara
Hey Heather, you are not alone is all I can say. Your story mirrors alot of the other girls here. Hope you find some comfort being on this site and a route to try and find peace with who you are and what you do, I know I have. Im 42 and have been crossdresser since my teens but joining here is something I had wished id done a long time ago. Just talking normally about women's clothes helps alot.
Those were special days, all right. Once I was old enough to be left alone in the house...maybe 12...that’s when I started with Mom’s pantyhose and my sister’s dresses. My folks used to go away for a weekend every year and I’d have the place to myself since my older sister was away at college. What a wonderful time...modeling all of her dresses in the mirror. And now decades later, I have my own dresses, my own pantyhose, my own home. I am blessed. And I hope all my CDH sisters will know this peace and serenity one day.
I know since I’ve been on here and can chat about things with other girls i here a lot of the same stories and it makes me feel good and puts a smile on my face at least for a little while
Hi Heather and welcome to CDH! Happy to meet you in chat the other night. This is a great place to learn and share stories that help each other on this journey. Please feel free to ask any questions or want to chat, I am happy to help. Hugs, Michelle
Thank you Michelle
Unlike most although I tried on some women's underwear and other things a few times when a young boy it did not become a habit or make me want to continue, and although I tried on lingerie once or twice later in life it did not especially excite me or lead to anything more. It was only in my late forties after getting married that I started to enjoy and get excited by crossdressing, which my wife got me into by encouraging me to try on sexy things that I had bought for her. She had heard people at work talking about male crossdressers and that seems to have made her interested. I only cross-dressed occasionally with my wife for a few years, but later got more involved trying dresses, wigs, shoes, and make-up. It was some time before I went out for drives and walks at night as Lucy, once or twice with my wife. After a bit 'Lucy' began to feel the urge to be treated like a woman and behave like one sexually, and I began to go online to meet other crossdressers or sometimes ordinary men and a couple of times to a crossdressers' club, which opened my eyes and imagination to crossdressing and sexuality. I became eager for oral sex with other crossdressers and other men, receiving but especially giving it. My wife has always encouraged me to go out to 'play' and helped Lucy get ready, and sometimes seems to like it or even to be turned on by it, but sometimes just to want me to enjoy myself. Our own sex life had nearly died but it is actually better when I am 'Lucy' and my wife likes me dressing at home as it makes me much more relaxed and both of us seem to be happier together when I am 'Lucy'.
Hi Heather,
Some of what you have written applies to me as well. I know you will find many, many members here who have experianced what you have.
We offer our support and caring understanding to all who enter.
Try to explore the sites Forums, Groups, Chat rooms and friendships. Articles to be read are so very informative and well written about life as a CD in our world.
Enjoy your new virtual home!
-Terri Anne