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Hey ladies, Brenda Gufilicious from Sapulpa,Oklahoma here. Yes, the last name is kinda goofy, but that happens sometimes when I'm thinking on the fly. Just joined yesterday and figured I should introduce myself. Haven't done any actual dressing yet, and found this site in my online travels seeking styles that may be pleasing. I have plenty of obstacles to overcome on my course to where I want to be, and it's a relief finding a forum where more experienced people can be sought for advice and encouragement.
Welcome, Brenda, and glad to be of help.
Hug, Catarina
Hi Brenda. And welcome!
Hi Brenda and welcome to CDH. Feel free to browse our sites and chat with any of us girls. We are hear to assist you in anyway possible upon your potential journey. My door is always open, so, do come in....pull up a chair and let's chat about feminism.
Yes.....I do wonder how some of the girls pick their names. Gufilicious ???? Are you always giving people "Guff"? I used my real name.......Dame Veronica Graunwolf, yes I am a Knight Templar and have a Royal Background. My Title is Dame or in male terms....Sir of the British Empire. Ancestors are from Austria/Germany and France.
Any way....enough about me....I look forward to hearing more about you and assisting in any way possible. Till then
Dame Veronica
Thank you for the warm invite Dame Veronica. My last name is actually Guthrie. I was in the U.S. Army years ago stationed in Heidelberg, Germany. Germans make the best darned beer in the world, in my opinion and I always talked about moving there after separation and opening my own beer brewery. One of my Army buds asked what I would call my company. I didn't have one, so he suggested Gufmeister Beer. The nickname somehow stuck through my whole tour. As I was enrolling here yesterday, the change in suffix came to mind and I just went with it. If something better pops in my head, it can always be changed in the future.
That Gufmister beer will be the most Gufilicious beer in all the land.
Let me know when your taking pre orders.
I love that name.
Unfortunately, that dream fizzled out. I bought a home brewers kit later as a civilian and every attempt at making beer turned out horribly. I can generally learn things quickly, but that particular skill eluded me.
Hi again, Brenda. I read your comment on German beer. As a Belgian citizen, I beg to differ 😋
Hi Brenda. I tried brewing beer..a lager... years ago. I bought all the supplies, boiled the grains, hops, and yeast and eventially bottled it. It came out with good carbonation, unfortunately, having a taste of beer and vinegar mixed together. That was the end of my home brewing up until now. I am new to the site as well. Welcome and hopefully we can talk more.
Welcome to CDH, you'll meet lots of friendly ladies here. Just so you know....dressing and being on this site are Very addictive, just like beer. Have great fun with all of it.
Welcome to the forum... Proper dress required LOL 🙂
Brenda welcome, happy that you have joined us. Experience is here to encourage you through this amazing journey. Their advice and tips and most of all the support you will receive will help you move forward and help remove some of those obstacles that has been plaguing you. Friendships are beautiful to make and many here love to have. Very nice meeting you and hope to see you here soon.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Brenda.
Welcome to CDH. I hope you will like it here. The girls are a wonderful bunch of lovely characters, friendly and helpful. I am a crossdresser since over 40 years and recently coming out as transgender woman to friends and family. Please feel free to contact me anytime for questions or just a girly chat.
Ellen Marianne Tornander
Welcome Brenda to CDH! Love beer but never had the patience to want to brew my own. Though do have lots a patience on learning how to apply make up! Hugs, Michelle
Hi Brenda,
Welcome to CDH.I am sure you fine many here who are willing to share all they know about our CD Life.
If you have some time explore the site in the additional Forums, groups, chat rooms and make some new friends too.
I believe you have found the safeest, most caring and informative site on the web.
best wishes in all things,
-Terri Anne