Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Greetings, ladies.
For complicated reasons I have been able to express myself fully only in the past several months, but I'm working toward stepping out. Though I have found much practical advice online, one of the best things that has happened to me is finding a forum like this to share advice and experiences. We are the most closeted gender grouping and probably the least understood; it can be lonely.
I'm in my late 70s, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and a grandparent. I admire the gorgeous young things who are able to express themselves while still young. I would be overjoyed simply to be able to shop at Bloomingdale's or Nordstrom and be seen as a woman of retirement age who is well groomed, poised and graceful in heels and shows a sense of classic style. I wouldn't expect to be taken for a ciswoman (ciswomen are really good at telling the difference), but as someone who might not pass but does a good job of not passing.
I'm enormously grateful for the chance to express myself in writing to a sympathetic group.
Hi Meliisa.....semper fi! Welcome to CDH/TGH sites. All of us like to chat and offer assistance when necessary, so don't be shy....my door is always open to you. I was 1st Cav. Airmobile Medic.....Pleiku and other spots. Hope you are well. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Dame Veronica
Melissa welcome . Your quite right in saying we are a closeted and the least understood. At sixty and for many years I thought I was the only one or maybe one of very few. Lately I've learn there is much to this and in searching I came across this intriguing site. It's was a blessing to discover our true love and support from so many. To share in each other's experiences and the ladies so compassionate with their advice, certainly makes one feel comfortable and at ease. I in many ways feel I'm not in any way passable but have better myself in little bits but most importantly it's our feelings inside that really matters with confidence showing really puts a happy smile on my face. Very happy meeting you and enjoy your time with us.
Stephanie 🌹
Thanks so much. It is heartwarming to hear from others.
Thanks. Testosterone has its uses, but toxic masculinity in the workplace has its problems. I liked the comments some time ago from Germany, when a newspaper described crossdressers as taking a break from masculinity.
Good morning Miss Melissa,
I too have been unable to express myself for a long while, crossdressing in secret, fantacizing about being with a woman who understands. I have been married twice (both deceased) but only the second wife would participate in the privacy of the bedroom. I have also worked for one of "those" govt agencies where I could tell you what I did, but then I'd have to shoot you (grins) and though they never asked me about my private life, I was terrified they would when being "polyed" every few years. Having retire now...and single again...I can expose more of my own interests here and a few other sites, and l hope to meet a few others within a few miles by car that have similar interests and needs.
I too have been military for a time, worked for the govt, and discovered, when in Amsterdam Holland fetish dressing via the world famous "Girls of the RED ZONE" who display themselves and their "specialties" in those store-front windows and have combined what my 3 aunts (of 18 - yeah, 17 of them!) taught me about dressing and oral pleasures and LOVEBONDAGE...sighs...
So as I say most of us here are willing and able to answer questions...and chat with other gurls, and as I have indicated, hope to meet other gurls who are relatively local..
So again, be welcome here Miss Melissa, glad to meet you.