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Hi.My name is Roberta.I have been crossdressing since the age of twelve.Prior to that I have always had a desire to be female.As far as I know I am not transgendered but when I am dressed I so want to present as the glamerous woman I alwayx wanted to be.My high school days were most frustrating.I wasn't a rough and tumble kid and was teased for my gentle unboyish manner.I secretly loved it when the other boys called me a girl.If only they knew that I frequently dressed in my mums tights and dresses and would have loved to be a girl just like my female classmates that I was very shy of.In 1999 ,I finally embraced my wonderful female self.I came out to my wife a few years back.She now fully supports my dressing,lets me dress every day when we are at home and has come to love my femme persona.We have similar tastes in clothes.Look forward to making friends on here.Do not hesitate to inbox me.xxx
Hi Roberta, I have a similar background but my wife doesn't know. Welcome to the site 🙂 Hope to see you around.
Thanks for your kind message of welcome Stephanie.I look forward to getting to know you.
Roberta , Sounds wonderful in having your wife's support . Doesn't it make theses experiences special when we can enjoy our time together being girlfriends and mixing as so, doing all the things that girls love to do. Happy for you and now enjoy sharing your stories with the ladies here. We love hearing about others and there experiences like yours and we have many to share back . Enjoyed hearing from you and hope to hear more as you see more of this wonderful place. Welcome and very nice meeting you. 🌹
Thank you Stepanhie.You are so right.From the time I put my outfit of the day in the morning it feels special.I emerge from the bedroom into the kitchen and my wife immediately compliments on how nice I look or we might comment on how nice the top is I am wearing or my wife will ask me what tights I am wearing.Aoart from being a loving and supporting wife we are best girly friends.We often agree that if I had been born a woman we would be extremely close friends.She has tasteful clothes sense which I have admired since we met thirty five years ago
Welcome Roberta!
Hi Roberta,
Welcome to CDH! I too did not fit the typical boy mold either when growing up. I came out to my wife too and she is supportive but our tastes in clothes are not always the same but we have come to trust each others opinions on what looks great on both of us. Looking forward to hearing more. Hugs, Michelle
Thanks for your kind message of welcome.
Hi Roberta,
Welcome to CDH. From what I can tell, You are one of the fortunate girls to have an acceping SO.
Enjoy this wonderful journey of ours.
Best Regards,
-Terri Anne