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Hi, Im Tiffany. I have cross dressed for as long as I can remember.
I am very happily married and have a loving and supportive wife
I don’t consider myself a woman, but I experience very strong feminine desires and feelings. While I’ve identified as male throughout my life because it made navigating the world simpler, deep down I’ve always known there’s a girl within me. For years, I’ve referred to myself as a cross-dresser, but that label no longer feels complete or fully representative of how I express myself. Cross-dressing is not the whole story of who I am.
In my daily life as a man, I find myself gravitating more and more toward clothing traditionally made for women. What started as subtle experimentation has grown into something that feels natural, authentic, and aligned with my deeper sense of self. Often, the clothes I wear—women’s jeans, shorts, tops, and shoes—blend seamlessly into an androgynous style and go unnoticed by others. But for me, they’re transformative. Wearing these clothes makes me feel connected to my femininity in a profound way that’s not about sexuality or kink; it’s about acknowledging and honoring a deeply ingrained need to feel feminine.
Over time, I’ve realized that this isn’t just about clothing—it’s about embracing and expressing my feminine nature in every aspect of my life. I love how I look in women’s clothing, but beyond that, I find myself desiring to embody more traditionally feminine ways of being. I want to move, speak, and carry myself in ways that align with the femininity I feel inside. This isn’t about adopting a separate female persona or alter ego—I don’t feel the need to create a distinct "female version" of myself. Instead, I’m accepting myself as a feminine man who prefers to present in ways that feel more aligned with a female identity than a male one.
I no longer see myself as strictly male, but rather as someone fluidly expressing femininity in their everyday life. My desire to connect with and express this part of myself has grown stronger with time, and I’m learning to embrace it fully. I’ve come to a place of peace with this expression, and it feels freeing to accept that I don’t need to fit into a rigid category to be true to myself. I am simply me—a person honoring the feminine spirit that has always been part of who I am.
I would love to meet you all here and enjoy your friendship as I progress on my journey of self discovery and feminization
Tiffany xxoxx
Tiffany, I can relate to the feeling I'm neither male or female any longer, one or the other, but both. Thanks for so elegantly sharing your feelings, it helps me understand my own. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Once you realise who you really are there is that inner peace and confidence to build that future as the feminine person.
Thank you for posting this lovely story.
Hi Tiffany,
Welcome to CDH.
What A nice story. Makes me think, sure, there is man and woman, but does it really mean what we believe it does or does it just mean whats between the legs and the rest is just learned along the way?
I like to think of myself as man and woman, i can be fully man when with friends, but fully female when with other people. Is that fluid? I geuss? 😜
Hello Tiffany,
Welcome to CDH.
Welcome to CDH Tiffany we're glad have you.
Alexis Grace
Hi again Tiffany Hope things are going well with you and your other half as a husband and girlfriend both to your wife.. Having fun and just being the girl of your dreams then so happy your wife is a support to Tiffany its a world of help and pleasure to have a supportive wife good luck girlfriend and don't be a stranger we love to hear from you ..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Tiffany!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!
Hi Tiffany , Welcome to CDH , Marry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you & your friends & family ..
And all the encouraging and supportive.