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In the wrong place

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Ladies,
I know, Im in the wrong place here.
Just joined in the hope that someone here might be able to help me find a similar group for Men who prefer "womens" clothing but are Not interested in appearing feminine.
I wear almost exclusively Skirts, Dresses and Tights with slightly feminine type tops.
Not Kilts. And very difficult to find a Dress that doesn't have provision for Boobs too.
I don't/won't shave my legs and have a long beard so don't even suggest that I try to look Feminine.

So, does anyone know how I can meet up with other men like me ?

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Hi Ravin

You are not in the wrong place it is just that you are in a different point in the spectrum compared with many of the members whose posts you have read so far.

For me it is also more about the clothes than trying to pass as female although I might go a little further than yourself in terms of shaving off some hair.

Welcome Ravin and just because there are more towards the other end of the spectrum it does not make the overall group any less welcoming.




Posts: 1435
Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Ravin,

I would 'hang out" here for a time and see what you find.  You may find you are in the right place.  Certainly nothing to lose.

The main thing is, don't be afraid to give in to any desires that may come or have not been realized yet.  It is quite a journey, and a good one at that!



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