Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello...Just a quick intro. I am looking for a forum to find people that have similar experiences to mine. I am 60 and have been an "underdresser" for quite some time. While I respect (and admire) all of you that are fully out there I do not see that in my future. I present myself as a male and am fine with that but underneath I love to express myself differently. I love my lingerie and wear it everyday. My SO knows and supports me even if she is not all terribly comfortable with the lingerie. She asks me to be very discrete. I (we) are trying to find out where all of the boundaries are.
Looking forward to learning more about others as well as myself.
Robin dressing comes in all forms and levels. To as you have mentioned from full dress to simply dawning a few undergrments here we all enjoy our love to express ourselves. Meet our ladies and share each other's experiences as we move forward. I'm 60 as well and have found this site most helpful and truly enjoy my love to be Stephanie. Very happy to welcome you here . 🌹
Lucky us!! Welcome to the site. Hope you find what you're looking for. The chat is a wonderful place to meet people such as yourself. Don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions or anyone for that matter. We all teddy bears here