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Hi I am Jessica. I have just recently been allowed to openly be me. I grew up in a time boys had to be men and not allowed to show emotions. I believe I have had myself all my life. The very first time I tried to come out was my wedding night. However, my wife did not support this so I hid away. I struggled for year feeling I did not fit in, struggled with my relationship with my wife. I began being with both men and women trying to find anywhere I would fit. I have always felt like a failure and not good enough. I finally gained support from my wife and have a theripthe trying to help me understand myself. I am so happy being Jessica that I'm not sure how to balance my life.
Jessica welcome to Cdh . Here with all the information available and many of our beautiful ladies there's much here too to help you understand this inspiring world to which we have choosen. As you have mentioned balancing our lifes becomes a personal experience to which differs from one to other but cdh and it's wealth of knowledge and understanding really helps with our feminine side. Wonderful to meet you and enjoy our family here. Stephanie 🌹
Welcome to the forum, and thanks for your post.
Hi and welcome, Jessica! CDH has great articles, forums and even greater members. Finding balance is something I aspire to as well. And this place is a wonderful resource to help you along your journey. Hugs, Michelle.
Thank you Michelle, I am totally happy I found this site. Everyone has been so sweet. Hugs!
Hi Jessica....yes life as a CD can be very tough. Councilling can help and talking with our sisters here...is a tremendous help. Feel free to contact me anytime you like, just to chat and support each other...that is why CDH is here. Look forward to hearing more from you.....
Dame Veronica
Dame, thank you so much. This makes me feel so good and secure with the girls. 🤗😘
Baby steps! You have taken the first and second giant step, now slow it down and take a deep breath, hold it, and repeat after me . . . I am loved, I am not alone, I am home. Welcome to a place where you can let yourself go and reach out to people that can understand your angst and wild emotions as they squeeze every nerve in your body. Though your experiences are completely unique to you, we may be able to relate in many ways or have lived similar events. I think you will at least have a place where someone will hear your cries, and screams, and listen without judgement when you need to share.
Hi Nayomi, I needed to hear this. I am loving how I feel so much I don't want to stop being Jessica and know I have to be the man at work. I have been in town today taking wife lunch and now at my therapist. Thank you very much. 😘
Hi Jessica, feel free to tell us and rest ashured we all sympathise. I think about every girl here had some kind of similar experience. Hug
Hi and welcome Jessica!