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Hi ladies, I am back again as I could not keep away. Sandra xx
Sandra wonderful to have you back. It's certainly hard not to be here. Enjoy catching up and hope to see you passing through here soon 🌹
Hi Sandra
I'm new here and didn't know that you had left, but welcome back!
Diane x
Hi Step, look forward to chatting with you again soon. Sandra xxx
Nice to meet you Diane, I often leave and come back it is that self doubting thing we all have. In girl mode now though, chat soon Sandra xx
Wb Hugz
Hugs to you too Persephone. Sandra xx
Oh yes (sighs), those of us who have purged and tried to keep from dressing as the gurls we are...have had the same set of experiences....more sighs. It must be "ordained" in our souls.
I too have several times decided never to do this again...but...here I am, being the "Snow-Queen of Tarts" yet again, looking at this site, welcoming newcomers here, replying to tweets, out on other places, joining local groups, seeking a special friend...one who understands what this is all about...wanting an LTR with a woman (of all genders - wicked grins) for that special relationship which we all crave and need.
You will find that most of us here feel the same way...and can't stay away once we are here...
Hi Suzanne, yes the dreaded "P" word applies to many of us. I shall no doubt purge again and leave for a while but the urge to comeback is always strong. At least the ladies clothing shops do well out of us lol. Sandra xx
Welcome home Sandra,
It seems to be a somewhat vicious cycle we all go through. I truly hope that my last purge a bit over 6 years ago is my last. I am so tired of throwing out beautiful heels, hose, and all of my satin and lace things. I hope this was your last purge dear. TTFN💋👠
Hi Danielle, so do I but it is difficult, I suppose we have to reach a balance and go with it. Hugs Sandra xx
Hi Sandra Welcome back . Someday we'll learn we're into 👗and cannot stop , once we learn that we'll be happier . so we might as well enjoy what we are and do Rhonda xx
Hi Rhonda, yes I suppose we should give in and embrace womanhood, women are so lucky to have those pretty clothes. Sandra xx
Good day to everyone. I'm new to this site as well and though I'm not a full fledged member yet but wanted to connect with others that either are CDs or trans m/f and chat about our experiences both the good and the bad. Off and on my whole life I've been experiencing this. most the time I'm at my happiest when I'm in feminine clothing. So anyone who wants to chat let's do it😄💋
Hi Lorin, I think you will find we have all experienced the tug of femininity over the years with frequent purging ( it is so expensive buying dresses and shoes again !) but this website is a safe haven for us all to chat and let off steam if you like. Sandra xx