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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi ladies,

Louisa here.

I thought I would do a quick intro about myself.

So after 40 years of very little cross-dressing and a lot of repressed feelings and urges cured by masturbation then guilt,  I decided to take matters into my own hands (excuse the pun).

Although I had come out to my wife several years previously, I had never really felt that it was something I could share with her. I realized that my secrecy not so much my cross-dressing thoughts, was destroying our marriage. You see I had to be ok with myself first before I could consider sharing this side of me with her.

During therapy, some interesting ideas of a nurture more than nature cause came to light as to why I might have these urges to be feminine. I'd love to know if any of you have had similar childhoods. Unlike so many of you who seem to have amazing stories of older sisters dressing you (I wish!), I was the youngest of three boys (a dissapointment to mum) who once told me she thought and hoped I was going to be a girl all the time she was pregnant with me. My therapist thinks that I crossdress as a result of having picked up at a very young age my mother's disapointment in me being yet another boy (possible?). In addition she thinks that I desperately wanted the maternal attention that a child needs and mum was not really that sort of mum. She was very attractive, but although not cruel, she was so wrapped up in her failing marriage, and extra marital flirtations at best, affairs at worst, that she was having that she didn't realise how she was effecting me.

Anyhow, my wife eventually also came to my therapy sessions, and although a little freaked out by it all, understands that It's more than just a sexual kink. I've been allowed to dress at home, and have deliberately not masterbated to see just how far this goes beyond the obvious sexy way it makes me feel.

I'm a changed man/woman. Our sex life has improved immeasurably, and my love for her is now immense having been accepted for who I am. The floodgates have been opened so to speak, and now I'm buying wigs makeup clothes and jewelry etc like crazy. She's still a little freaked out seeing me at home en-fem, but she is sticking by me, and I hope she will eventually learn to love this side of me as much as I now do.

I feel liberated, and wanted to share my happiness with other like minded sisters out there. I wish I'd done this years ago!

Message me if you want to chat and become a friend.


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Welcome louisa. I read your post and I think it's wonderful that you decided to come out. This community is an amazing place to find people and resources and I am sure that you will make some wonderful friends.





Posts: 5134
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Joined: 9 years ago

Thanks Rachel,

You're young and have time on your hands. If I could be your age again I would have been braver.

Good luck with your journey sister x

Posts: 2144
Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Louisa and Welcome to CDH. Thank you for your lovely story...wish a lot more of our sisters could obtain such positive results. My door is always open to come in, set a spell and let's chat to get to know one another better. Look forward to hearing from you......

Dame Veronica

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Louisa I too in time am now  enjoying more to my dressing as my lovely wife is slowly accepting me as we are learning together; always discussing our feelings and  only  proceeding when both of us are comfortable. Cautiously mined you as she's always wandering where  this will take us. With agreements  comes trust and I can't asked for more. I wish to best to both of you and enjoy your stay with us and meet with  and make wonderful friendships. Very nice meeting you.                    Stephanie 🌹

Posts: 46
Eminent Member     KALAMAZOO, Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

welcome to cdh and its wonderful that shes understanding as is my wife. lots of information here and lots of wonderful ladies here for information and to chat with

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Hi Louisa

Welcome to CDH.  You have joined a group of like-minded girls and you will receive lots of support and friendship here.  Good luck!



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