Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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hi everyone. Just joined and am looking forward to exploring the site and making friends.
Hi Y'all !! Welcome to the friendliest CD site I've ever found.
Welcome! One Jennifer to another.
Hi Jennifer,
Hello from the UK. Lots of friendly people here who are happy to chat, I look forward to seeing you around the site.
Jessica x.
Welcome to CDH Jennifer.Enjoy exploring this site.Hope you make many friends on here
Hi Jennifer, I, too, am in Kentucky, the south side of Cincinnati. I'm lucky bc there is a great support group in Cincy. If you'd like more info to visit, let me know. We have girls from Louisville visit, and as far away as Minneapolis.
Jennifer, welcome. There’s much here for you to discover . Get comfortable and explore all that we have here and meet some wonderful girls just like you enjoying their feminine feelings felt deep inside. Very nice meeting you
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Jennifer!
Welcome Jennifer !
Hi Jennifer welcome,
Welcome You have come to a very supportive site a lot of wonderful girls.
I am a Kentuckian also .
Nice to meet you.
Is anyone else in KY? Southwestern KY maybe.....anyone?
Welcome Jennifer!