Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi. I have been exploring for a couple of weeks since joining and have been very impressed. Everyone seems so warm and accepting. This has taken me awhile since it feels like coming out to some degree. The only place I have admitted my cross dressing is to me in my own head. It feels good to admit it but really scary. So thank you for being here.
hi Melissa, first of all I hope you enjoy your stay here. you have made the first important step and its certainly not easy in the beginning. you are in good hands here. the girls are welcoming and very supportive to help you along the way 🙂 , nice to have you on board Melissa! have fun, enjoy!
fiona xxx
Glad you said Hi. Lots of nice ladies here. It is fun to share our common interest in crossdressing. Enjoy!
XO Jennifer
Welcome Melissa:
Lisa 🙂
Melissa, it is such a relief when you can open up as you did and what better place than right here among many others so much like yourself. It's wonderful to embrace these feelings and now to release them from within your mine for all to see. I'm so happy to welcome you and enjoy your new found path through this amazing time. Hugs!!!
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Melissa, we're glad you felt comfortable enough with us to join in the discussion. We'll do our best to be here for and with you. Life can be way more enjoyable with a few friends.
Thanks to all you ladies for the warm welcome and encouraging words. I will try to continue to reach out and relate my experiences, questions and concerns.
I have been amazed (I am sure many have the same feelings) that many of the stories relating life experience could have been me. I am not that unique, in a good way. The last few weeks has been an amazing learning experience.