Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi I am Kylie Jay from South East Michigan! Very new to this and hoping to find some support and guidance to make me more comfortable in my gender identity. Hoping to build some confidence to explore my urges and desires that I have suppressed my whole life.
Howdy Kylie Jay! Welcome to cross dresser heaven! Feel free to explore our site and chat with any of us. We love to assist and guide people. My door is always open....feel free to contact me about anything. Looking forward to learning more about you sweetie.
Dame Veronica
Hi, Kylie Jay , Welcome and it's nice to see another Michigan girl.
hugs Heidi
Hi, Kylie! New girl from SE Michigan also. Welcome!
Welcome Kylie! Going through the same thing myself. Everyone here is very supportive.
Kylie welcome you will find all the help and support here to make your step most comfortable. Meet many of our ladies and receive their advice and encouragement to move forward with our love to dress. Happy to meet you and hope to see you here soon. 🌹
Hello and Welcome Kylie,
You have made a good choice in joining this community of ladies. If you have questions feel free to post your questions. This is a safe place to chat and make friends.TTFN
Welcome to CDH! Nothing I can say that the lovely ladies havent already! If you need anything holla :))
Aloha, Kylie Jay! Roxy from outer spac south-central Indiana, here. I'm very excited for you, liberating yourself from your own self-suppression, and exploring this aspect of you who are! Please do let us know how that's going. We all want to be supportive. That's why we're here!
thanks girls, i cant wait for my new sexy lingerie to come in for the first time