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Hi there everyone 🙂
Excited to be a member here and just wanted to introduce myself! I'm in my 30's and I started crossdressing at a very young age, not even sure the exact number to be honest but one of my first and maybe worst memories was being caught by my mother. I used to go into her room when I was a kid and try on silk panties, pantyhose and all types of cute dresses and then of course that would bring me to sexual pleasure. I'll just leave it at that but I love wearings women's clothing and I'm currently at a crossroad of figuring out if I am actually a transgender woman or if I am solely a crossdresser. If I am transgender, I feel like I would like to transition as soon as possible because I'm in my 30's now. I guess the decision would be much easier if I was a lot younger and had more time to develop as possibly the beautiful woman I was always meant to be.
Hi Kayla.
Welcome to CDH.
My experience tells me that being here clarifies doubts and clears paths, but each person traces the route of their journey and defines their goals. This is a helpful community and it is good to know that we are not alone.
Hi Kayla and welcome!
Welcome to CDH Kayla. From your description it appears you are at a crossroad and thinking about transitioning. I would recommend speaking with an LGTBQ friendly therapist. I found one and I’m really comfortable talking with her. Anyhow, we all go through a lot of thoughts. I also know someone (younger, 21 or22) who decided to transition and it took about two years. She recently went through the reassignment surgery and is in a support group. She is very comfortable with her decision. It’s never too late but don’t jump into something you might regret. Surgery is forever. Enjoy the site and the many wonderful ladies here. -Traci
Hi Kayla nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here while i see you have been here a bit so you will still deserve a CDH girls welcome .. As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Keep exploring our wonderful site here do some reading of the forums and posts with a few profiles thrown in for fun and please don't be shy as we all love a good old girly chat have fun girlfriend and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Kayla,
Welcome to CDH.