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Estimable Member     Long Beach, California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Everybody!

I joined Crossdresser Heaven just a week ago, hoping to find some answers and some kindred spirits. And I think I'm in the right place, because today, after crossdressing for many years, I got up the nerve to buy my first bra, a 40D by Bali, black and lacy. Just walked  right up to the counter with it and bought it!

Oops! I guess  should tell you that the girl within me is named Lori Stark, and let me tell you she was thrilled with it when we got it home. She wore it around the house all afternoon, with heels and frilly panties.

Pretty soon, though, she noticed that she didn't fill out those big cups. To stop her from pouting I stuffed the bra with socks, and what a difference! Looking down I couldn't even see my black patent heels! Now I want to wear it all the time. I can't, though because I'm way too shy to go out in public and be seen en femme. 

Still, the experience of having sock boobs has made me decide to order a pair of silicone breast forms, the better to feel what it might be like to have "real" ones, that jiggle and aren't lumpy. As a man I love to look at them, so I hope I don't fall in love with myself! (Just kidding!)

That's my introduction. Love to all!

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Lori and welcome to our site! Yes...our first bra is really an occasion to celebrate. I guess getting your first bra really makes a girl feel like one. Be careful not to catch "braitis" collecting more than 20!!!! LOL. I just bought my first slip and never want to take it soft and lady-like....LOVE IT!

I look forward to hearing more from you about your journey. Discovering new things about womanhood is really a trip.


Dame Veronica


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Hi Lori,

Congrats on your first bra! It's quite an adventure, but really worth it.

Wearing a bra is really something. Even when it is under male attire: I am to shy, too, to go out fully dressed but not to wear the right underwear 😉

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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Lori  welcome, it's so nice to have you aboard. Congrats on your first bra . I'm still in waiting for mine and soon I hope to fulfill that dream soon . As soon as I can figure out sizes and yes Silicone breast forms it certainly is a must. If one's going to do it do it right.  I'll need to be looking in to it soon as I am planning to venture out by years end and must complete my appearance.  What better way to express ones self  with a natural shaping  juggling little  bouncing  girls to complete the look . How can someone not  love themselves when dolling up  to such an appealing appearance. It's a beautiful feeling and one I enjoy doing when I can. Enjoy all that we have here and with  many here  share each other's experiences in a community  that supports and care for all. Very nice meeting and hope to see you here soon

Stephanie 🌹

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Trusted Member     suburban Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
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What a familiar and reassuring story. For what it's worth, a word about bras. If you're using silicone forms, you might want to try a pocket bra, which will hold the forms securely. The problem with mine is that my chest is too wide. I solved that with a needle and thread by adding extra space between the cups.

Have fun!

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Trusted Member     Arizona, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I am a week into embracing this after decades of desire. Been researching as much as I can. I read that cross dressers should get the triangle shaped silicone breasts. They have them on Amazon Prime! I haven’t ordered any yet myself, but my point is you may want to read up on the triangle ones yourself. They have self adhesive versions should you decide to manscape aggressively. I can’t imagine they would be sticky enough to go braless, but a girl can dream.

Whatever you get, I hope you love them.


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Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
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Welcome Lori!

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Eminent Member     Searcy, Arkansas
Joined: 7 years ago

A tip about breastforms, always check out the customer reviews before buying and always get the best you can afford. I have seen some of the reviews on amazon where the customer said that the outer covering was so thin that a slight scratch tore it. I first bought a set from the breastform store that was about a hundred dollars and wore them for several years. Three years ago I decided to upgrade in both size and quality and ordered from the Aphrodite series from them and am extremely happy with them. They are very durable yet have just the right feel and jiggle, but they were about $400. In my opinion fir the serious dresser that is a good investment even if it means waiting to save up the money for the purchase. Bottom line is check the reviews and buy the best you can afford.

Posts: 128
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Estimable Member     Long Beach, California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you all for the advice and encouragement! My new silicone breast forms arrived today, and I am dizzy with excitement. I uploaded a picture just now to share with everyone, but nothing happened and I can't find the picture anywhere. My original plan was to put the picture right here, but I couldn't figure out how. Just a girl, up against technology. I'm helpless, so I'll just copymy photo caption here, and you'll just have to imagine what they look like! (Hope my language doesn't offend)

Got My New Tits!

...and it looks like I'm going to need a new bra 🙂

I really want to go out dressed, but (aside from the fact that I'm terrified to do that) I think these puppies may get me the wrong kind of attention. They are overflowing the 40D bra I'm wearing, and they weigh in at a thrilling six pounds! The poor bra is struggling to contain them. Need I say that I LOVE THEM!? I wore them at home all afternoon, and I felt so...womanly and wanton. I didn't even want to put a dress on to cover them. Sorry, I'm gushing. Thank you to all of you who gave me encouragement. Love you!

PS: If anyone can enlighten me on picture uploading, please do!

Posts: 128
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Estimable Member     Long Beach, California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Well, I think I figured it out (how to put a picture here). These are my new "breasts." My previous post (below this one, I think) explains this:

New Breasts

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Lori,

Your intro had me grinning because it reminded me of my first bra. I was so excited to feel it hugging my chest and seeing some cleavage too. I do hope you continue to find more great info here as well as make some new friends.

All my best to you,

-Terri Anne

Posts: 1722
Noble Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Lori,

Great Photo, they do look amazing.

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Hi, Lori!  Welcome.  You took some big steps getting your first bra and breast forms.  Congratulations.  Enjoy.

Posts: 56
Trusted Member     Arizona, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

omg, just be careful about buying stuff. I bought some makeup while grocery shopping, and ever since I’ve been doing more and more. I actually went to a couple stores this weekend and looked through the dresses. I would have bought something if I liked one. I also have spent a lot of money online. I need to seriously slow down.


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