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Hello everyone. I'm just a shy crossdresser, still usually in the closet, dressing up late nights and alone. I want company to hang out with and dress girly girl with. have a little party or something. what do you all think?
Hello Stephanie,
While sadly I would no use to you as I live near London, England I think it is great idea. I have CD friends and as I live alone it is lovely to have friends who accept me as Janet. I very much hope you manage to find friends in the same way. This is great site for doing this.
@stephaniemelody Hi Stephanie, I would say that the idea of dressing up with someone in one's home (yours or theirs) is apt to make people wary that there is an ulterior motive - not that there is, but it's likely to set off some alarms.
Getting dressed and going out for a drink or coffee or shopping - somewhere public - first is going to make people more comfortable. It's a tough spot for a closeted gal to be in. :/
Stephanie, glad you brought it up! Melodee is correct. That type of invitation will set off alarms. To me it goes without saying, but apparently for some on here it doesn’t. This comment is not aimed at you personally, you just gave me an opening to vent a little as I have a little experience in this matter. If I don’t know you, if I have no past history, or knowledge of, or relationship with you, do not invite me over to your house to play dress up. I will assume you have ulterior motives. I don’t care how subtle and innocent it sounds. Especially since, if you’ve seen me around CDH these last 4 months, you have a fairly good idea of my personality and what I look like, yet I have none of you. No profile pic. Very little profile filled out, although you somehow manage to make mention in your profile that you’re bisexual. No forum comments. No dialogue with me whatsoever. And then you want to invite me to your house? Thanks but no. (And yes, I’ve had a couple invites in my time here already).
That said, to your point, back in my “first time around” crossdressing time, I did go play dress up with a couple girlfriends. It was fun and memorable. So I’m not against the idea. However, I met them both first a couple times for coffee and lunch…in drab. We all got to know each other first. Then the three of us got all dolled up and drove to the Bay Area for the Miss Gay East Bay pageant and it was a hoot! One of my girlfriends in that adventure was a chief of police in a Bay Area town. She had a weapon in a holster strapped to her thigh under her dress. Needless to say, I felt pretty safe going with them.
CDH resembles Match.com to me in that not everybody is one. A match. You should hang out here and establish yourself a bit before you start sending out invites. Post some pics, make your feelings known about things, and make a few comments. Peel back the onion so to speak. Lest we think you may have nefarious schemes hidden in your bustier.🥰
Hi Stephanie,
Welcome to CDH.
Welcome to CDH.
I have been dressing since forever and meeting people in these rooms has always been scary. Admirers don’t know how to be gentlemen and others I felt weren’t in the same emotional place i was in so I stopped using sites to meet people. I recently went to the Erie Gala and that was life changing. I met a few ladies that were on this site and all said this was pretty cool. I say look for group outings first. Besides it’s nice to have someone else confirm what I’m thinking, “this dress does look good on me.”
Hi Stephanie!
Welcome to CDH!
Hiya Stephanie nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so get settled in relax and enjoy yourself here.. As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. With a wealth of knowledge and experience here to learn from do some looking around and reading of the forums and posts with a few profiles thrown in for fun .. When you get comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Stephanie you know seems like a echo here some where any how as she travels down her own girly path in life.. Now as for making friends here girl there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you .. Once again girlfriend nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
🎄🎄🎄 Hi Stephanie , I'm glad to see you join us , Welcome !!!
I think you will.enjoy it here , lots of good support & lov here
Anytime you like to chat , Gurl , That would be nice ???
Hi Stephanie!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!