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It's purple. I remember that being the color of the bra and panty set I had when I was in high school for a while. I would wear them and look at the girly magazines I had for...not sure how long. But it was before my senior year when dating and girlfriends and getting ready for college shifted my attention. But now, 30 years and change later, I'm looking online at dresses and skirts, and I keep drifting to the purple ones.
I don't know that I've always been a crossdresser. Maybe? I don't know; what I do know is that I did dabble in high school, and later when I was in graduate school. I was single and it was the wild days of Bianca's Smut Shack on the web. I had a name there--I don't remember--but I did put out that I was a crossdresser. Again, I had bra and panties sets, stockings, and some lipstick. It was all chat, phone sex, and not much more than that, and that ended after a summer.
I've been active in internet chat and such for a long time, and gender roles get fluid on those sites. I've played out the fantasies there of doing the things I'm doing now. Letting this woman inside out to really live and manifest physically. I'm not sure what that means, but I am looking forward to discovering who she is, and who she'll demand to become.
I am fortunate that my wife is understanding about this. She and I got onto the topic, and when I was able to say it, it was in response to something else. I said something along the lines of "well, I would do drag," and that turned into "I want to do drag" somehow. And it snowballed from there into "I want to really explore crossdressing." And I am absolutely grateful for that. I don't intend to waste the opportunity.
So, Mitzi's favorite color is purple. I know that much about her. I've started to sit with my sketchbook and my journal, and note things. I am keeping a running shopping list on Amazon with things I find pretty, or interesting, or sexy. I'm thinking a lot about my hair and the state of my fingernails. I'm also thinking about the fact that I'm 50, and I need to drop about 80 pounds before I'm even going to think of going out in public as Mitzi--and besides, I don't even know what sort of makeup she likes, or how she does her hair, aside from it being a bob-type cut. Alright! I know two things.
There's a lot to learn and experience here, and I intend to embrace it.
Welcome, Mitzi! I look forward to your adventures in discovering yourself.
Good to know your wife is supportive. I have that same luxury; like you, I also favor purple, and need to lose x pounds before I go out.
See? You're in the right place!
Welcome Mitzi
I love purple.
There is nothing better than a purple smokey eye look.
We definitely need to support each other in all of those things! And I am definitely in the right place! xoxo
Welcome Mitzi!
Thank you! Just love your name, all that Goddess energy it brings!
I aspire to have that, but I kind of also want lavender hair to go with it...
Mitzi welcome , Isn't though on how much we need to learn about what it takes to be a woman. There's so much to figure out and when we start to understand something else comes up and the learning process begins again. The fun of it is discovering what's best for you and here with the help of many and our beautifully written forums there's much to explore. Happy to have you and hope to see you here soon . Stephanie 🌹