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Mother of crossdressing teen

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Active Member     Avon, United States of America
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Hello, I am Momma M, my 13 recently has decided to go public about what he wants, he told kids at school he wants to be a girl. He has worn girl clothes at home for a few years; now that he has decided to tell others and be a bit more open with us I am trying to find people to help my husband and I figure out new ways to support him, and what we can do that is appropriate and what not to do, what's inappropriate what to do if and when he starts to get bullied ect. So maybe I'm looking for support for us while we are trying to sypport our son.

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MM, hi. While I’m sure that some here will be able to provide you with some tips and ideas on what to do and how to help, it will be much more important to be in close contact with the school authorities and their counseling services, and if you can find a therapist who can work with your child, or if you already have one, even better.

Since you mentioned that this situation is not new at home I guess you are supportive as a family, and that is basically all what any child needs as a foundation to be able to overcome any external pressure, bullying or anything like it. But it will depend mostly from how the school administration will handle the situation. So work with them and if you are close to other parents see if they are willing to help and talk to their own children into accepting and supporting yours.

Good luck!


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Love him and support him in every way possible.  It sounds like you are already doing that.  What wonderful parents for this fine young child.

It will not be easy, but with your support he/she will do great things!  Learn all you can about LBGT communities and support programs, CDH is wonderful that way.

Although we cannot do so in person, we will be behind your family!

Best to you all!


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Active Member     Avon, United States of America
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MM, hi. While I’m sure that some here will be able to provide you with some tips and ideas on what to do and how to help, it will be much more important to be in close contact with the school authorities and their counseling services, and if you can find a therapist who can work with your child, or if you already have one, even better.

Since you mentioned that this situation is not new at home I guess you are supportive as a family, and that is basically all what any child needs as a foundation to be able to overcome any external pressure, bullying or anything like it. But it will depend mostly from how the school administration will handle the situation. So work with them and if you are close to other parents see if they are willing to help and talk to their own children into accepting and supporting yours.

Good luck!


Question, you are one of a few lately that has mentioned counseling, is that necessary? I'm just a bit confused why that keeps coming up  he is a good kid and I haven't seen any reason emotionally for it, but since it keeps bbn ring brought to me I'm just curious if I should be looking into it. Also sho ui ldnt it be up to him if he wants his teachers and school officials to know?


(I'm not trying to sound snappy I hope it doesnt come off that way, just trying to understand)

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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
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Missa, I recommend that you reach out to Kayla C.  She is a genetic girl, one of our ambassadors, and leader of Crossdresser Heaven's Wives and Significant Others program.  She can relate to be family member of a crossdresser or transgender individual.  You should be able contact her through the ambassadors page.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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Best of luck MM! I can't do much from where I live, but you have my full support in recognizing your kids honest desires.



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Trusted Member     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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I just wanted to recognize how wonderful of a family yall are for supporting and growing with your child.

From my personal background your child is fine, they found themselves when it takes decades for most of us to begging finding ourselves.



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Hi again MM.

The one reason I suggested to contact the school counselor and the administration is because if he has already told some people at school about wanting to be a girl, it won't take long before everybody in school knows. And when that happens, it is likely that your child will need to get all the support available, not only from you and your family, but from the school.

There will be intolerance. From other students and their parents, and even from some teachers. So having as many resources on your side will be needed. Also, you are not talking only about him wanting to dress as a girl. You are talking about him wanting to be a girl. Sooner or later there will be the need to contact a therapist, if he may be wanting to get any medications and later any surgeries.

As a parent, while I would be thankful for any support that I may be able to get for my child, I would try my best to get not only good intended support, but very well qualified support.



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Active Member     Avon, United States of America
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Oh ok, that makes sense, thank you

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
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Hi Mom, if I may call you that. Raising children is very have a problems right now that may be the toughest of all. You son/daughter sounde like she has gender dysphoria..........I highly recommend you ger him/her to a psychologist immediately. They will be facing sever criticism from others and we don't want irrepairable damage done to his/her self confidence and ability to get along in the world. He/she is still at the age of "brain programming of hard data". This usually continues on until around 20 yrs. This info is used automatically to function and respond to life challenges. It is irreversable....damage done now will be with him/her for life.  Gender dysporia is caused be a phenominum of extra markers on genes. How this is has figured it out yet, He/she could be xxy instead of xy. This extra boost of femininity could be why some are born with a desire to be a girl. In males.......xyy tends to show up in violent and psychopathic individuals (criminals and Serial Killers). I don't wish to alarm you......this is not always the case. Your son will face horrible discrimination and this will affect him. School years are the worst for harrasement and gang violence....especially since the teachers, school boards, education systems and police do not want to do anything about this for fear of lawsuits based on racial hatred. If they do...riots occur and they don't want that.

I suggest you try to find a school that is gender acceptable and policed as such, or home schooling. Anylisising his situation is also important. Trying to break him of his ideas will not work and only make matters worse.      Please look at our sister site Transgender with as many girls as you can on both sites....most have experienced what you are faceing and are a gold mine of information.  I have been studying female thought processes and issue over crossdressing and Transgendering as well as actually talking with like people in many areas of the world. I offer to you my experience and knowledge of 50 years. If you wish I can send you my private e-mail for discussion and assistance. No is up to you. I do have to ask very personnal questions to get a grasp of what your son is experiencing, you can answer same or decline to....that is OK.  Do let me know how you are making out,sweetie.


Dame Veronica Graundwolf  -  Knight Templar,  Ex Military Medic.


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Hi hun and welcome i am a SO any help or questions please ask we have an SO group and forum please join we will help as much as possibke


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