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Moved: Reply To: Hi from maryland

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New Member     Maryland, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Good evening.

Im new to the site and looking for friends to assist me in my new me. I have always wanted to be a Crossdresser for as long as i can remember but have never got the nerve to actually do it except in private and only wore some clothes.  I want to go full out with the works just want to talk to someone and hopefully meet up to go shopping and have fun being girls and be out with another crossdreeesr and not always doing it alone

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Posts: 7139
Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Gina ,happy to have you here with us. Your find many here to meet with and make wonderful friendships. In time I'm sure you'll find someone near by as you explore more here. Just ask your questions and someone here will be happy to help . Many like yourself all  here learning and discovering who we are and what these feelings of dressing means.  get comfortable  and enjoy your time with us.

Stephanie 🌹


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