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My first time dressing the other day

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Eminent Member     Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Joined: 6 years ago

I brought some tights and was very close to getting some makeup or more clothes but couldn't do it.  Help with advice or anything pls

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I think Natall is more enjoining than Nobody At All? Tights are a great place to begin. Makeup is a jump? Take it at your pace. Tights. Hmm, next? Well, a loose fitting soft (must be soft) T.  Bra and panties at some point. Many very nice sites on line, some discreet (Smart & Sexy) some with labeled boxes (ADORE ME). Begin to develop styles you may like. The path is not short and narrow. Nor, pun excluded, is it a straight path. Go slow and enjoy the thrill.


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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hello and welcome! Once you do some surfing around on this site, you will find TONS of advice and links to most anything you would care to know about crossdressing. The hardest question is always, why do we do it? The answer is different for everyone. Get comfortable with who you are and your individual femme personality will develop. The most important thing is to enjoy your journey!


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Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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welcome sweetie, meet with many of our girls and slowly start getting comfortable . Help is just a click away, ask your questions and begin learning all about fashion, makeup and everything else to transform those inner feelings of  femininity. Browse our forums and see what others have already discoverd.  Enjoy your time here as you explore our wonderful site.

Stephanie 🌹

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Take your time, breath deep and relax. You’re not walking alone in those heels!


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Well done for taking that first step!  You will quickly find your way.

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Active Member     Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi I'm new here too and advice i'll take a shot.

tights are a good place to start, thats kinda what got me started years ago. Nobody says you have to shop in stores, you can find plenty here on the net.  myself i love to shop with my wife.

So is this new for you/ somethings in you said you wanted to try this. i started with pj's silkie bottoms and tops. They are easy to buy. You can always use the gift thing if you need to.

So the make up thing, heres a story for ya. I have even been to Sephoria and had a total make over i was nervous but i had an awsome time. I knew what i wanted and wanted to learn how to use it. The makeup artist was young and more nervous than me. She had never worked on a man before.

I ended up with everything i needed. Kinda expensive but cheap stuff is just that cheap.

In all have fun dressing. I love the whole experience it makes me feel awsome and i hope it's great for you.

Drop me a line or 2.


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Eminent Member     Cape Coral, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Time will make everything better for you. It seems like it wasn't that long ago when I finally came out to my wife. (12 years ago) When I told her that I had a feminine side of me that needed to come out, things were a little crazy for about 15 minutes. In that 15 minutes, she must have fired 500 questions at me. When things calmed down a little bit, I got up and went out to the living room to watch a little TV. Within a few minutes, she came out of the bedroom, handed me 3 pairs of her panties and said to me "try these to see what style you like". When she did that, my mind went into overdrive. I started thinking about what to wear, how should I do my hair, what kind of shoes I would like, etc.etc. etc.. When we went shopping, (i was always in drab when we shopped) if I seen something that I liked, I would hand it to her and she would pay for it so that there would be no embarrassment. That worked fine for a few weeks until we went into Victoria's Secret one day. There were so many things that I needed that it didn't take long for me to fill up a bag. When we were done shopping and went to pay, I went up to the cashier with her and put my bag up next to hers as usual. However, this time things were different. When she seen my bag next to hers, she pushed it back to me and said to me, "it's your stuff, you pay for it". Everyone around us heard what she had said. For a few seconds, I didn't know what to say. I finally said ok and then the cashier said for me to just wait there and when she was done with my wife, she would take care of me next. When she was ringing my stuff up and putting it in the bag she would let me know how much she liked the things I picked out and how well things matched and in general, she just made me feel comfortable about buying things for myself. After that day, I started going by myself to other places like the Lancome and Este Lauder counters, Dressbarn and other vendors that catered to women. So basically what I am trying to say to you is that your money is just as good as any other girls money and once you let that girl out all the way, you will find that you enjoy every moment much more.


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